Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Currently Reading: 06 September to 28 December 2018

Currently Reading

- Labyrinth by Kate Mosse (11%)
- A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness (06%)
- Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan by Herbert B. Pix (00%)
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas (15%)
- Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan (17%)
- IT by Stephen King (06%)
- Queen of the Star Pirates by Stephen Landis (06%)
- Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en (14%)
The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (39%)

* * *

I realize that it's been a fair while since I wrote anything last. I found some old pet sim games and my sister moved in and it's just been a hectic few months. Now that everything is starting to settle (just in time for the chaos that is Christmas), I realized I should come back on and at least update you on what I've been up to the last few, uh, weeks.

I started collecting manga again and bought a bunch of them recently from anime that I enjoy watching. I have to complete a few sets, and I'm not sure how I'm going to do that, as some went out of print a while ago. I picked up some from Attack on Titan, Bungo Stray Dogs, Kiss Him Not Me, Seven Deadly Sins, Fairy Tail, and one or two others that I can't think of. I like them, especially SDS (Go Ban!).

What else has happened recently that I should mention? Oh! I won NaNoWriMo. Finished with 86,023 words. I technically "won" back on November 20th with 55,635 and I plan to continue writing until the month is over. I want that badge for 30 days of continuous writing. I decided that I would buy myself one book for every 5,000 words. So, I get to have 17 new books in December. 

I've been working my way through Robin McKinley's Dragonhaven for a while now. I don't know what exactly happened here, but something went horribly wrong in the plot. I don't get it. This boy, not even 15 yet, does some really stupid shit that could get not only himself, but every single person in the park he lives in sent to jail/juvenile hall and he seems either just really stupid or really oblivious. He is in so much more trouble than he apparently realizes he is in that it's actually kind of funny when you think about it. I don't like the book much right now (1.5/5 max), but I am giving it until the halfway point before I DNF it. I really don't like DNF'ing books if I can avoid it. I know there's this whole "why finish a book you don't like when you can find one you do" or "don't waste time reading books you don't like when there are more out there" things, but I'm the type of person where if I start a book, I finish it. Even if I don't like it. Maybe it will get better? Enough to bring it from 1.5 to maybe a 2.75-3?

I've been thinking about my goals for 2019. That time is coming around again and I'm not sure what I will be setting them at. I figure I will go through this year's goals and adapt the ones that I like or replace them with other goals. This is the list I came up with: 

2019 Reading and Writing Goals

1. Meet/exceed my Goodreads goal for the year – This year I decided to keep it somewhat simple and set my goal for only 50 books. Something I'm sure I can reach and I will feel great when I read over the goal. Anything more is almost beyond my capabilities as a reader at the level I currently am at.

2. Review all of the books that I read – I had this same goal last year and I think I nearly got 100% completion on it. I realized that I didn't actually post my review for a few books, but it was in my own personal blog, so I count it.

3. Read IT by Stephen King – I sorted it out, in a comment to be seen later on in the entry, that if I read 288.25 pages per quarter from 1 January forward, I should finish the book on or near 31 December.

4. Enter and win Camp NaNo and NaNoWriMo – Yeah this is a difficult challenge to meet since I will have a job by then and my time set to write will be going down. That's okay, we can still do it if we actually plan it out a little bit. I didn't win 2018's Camp NaNo, but I did manage to win NaNoWriMo with 86,023 words.

5. Stick to My Book Buying….Restriction – It's not so much a “ban” on book buying, I know I won't be able to really contain myself, but I do think a restriction is in order. I can only buy one (1) book for every five (5) books that I read. That way I reduce the total number of books I bring into the house. I know I would never be able to not bring in books...so yeah.

6. Publish at least two stories – I have been writing a lot more lately and in 2019 I want to publish at least two of my works, be they fanfiction or fictionpress or even traditional publishing. There are projects I am excited about and I hope to finish them before the year is out.

I actually DNF'd and and got rid of a book. I have been trying to read it for far too long and I just cannot get into it. The longer I read it, the less and less I like it to the point where it just became a chore to actually read. The book, for anybody who (1) is reading this and (2) cares, is Dragonhaven by Robin McKinley. It came off sounding like it was just her first novel and she had no clue what she was doing. (I am aware that should I write a novel, my own would also be absolute garbage). I just...it was very, forced almost. Forced is a good word. She ran out of plot by page three and kept rehashing the information we already had.

That said, I then picked up Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz (5/5) and read the entire thing in a few days. I guess that style was better suited to my tastes. I loved this book and will definitely be all about reading his book Moriarty soon. My review for this is in my December Wrap Up. I don't know yet if I am going to start doing hauls again...I will decide before January though. 

I think that may be it for this Currently Reading. I kind of skipped a lot of time and I will try my best to not skip any more! I even have a little note in my day planner to remind me. I'm hopefully not going to forget. 

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