Friday, May 10, 2024

Currently Reading #10 [05 May to 11 May 2024]

Currently Reading

- Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer [32%]
- Blood at the Root by LaDarrion Williams [13%]
- Ink, Iron, & Glass by Gwendolyn Clare [39%]
- The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones [37%]
- When The Stone Shepherds Awaken by Mark Barkley [00%]
- Mister Memory by Marcus Sedgwick [12%]

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Yearly Goal
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Well, I've officially made it a quarter of the way into my reading goal for the year. A bit over a third of the way into the year....but who's counting? Oh, right. Me. According to StoryGraph, I'm only 11 books behind schedule. If only we could magically make a 13th month appear. I suppose it's not all that bad. I'm on track to hit the 90s at least. I could be 20-30 books behind! Could you imagine!

I've also started two new notebooks for reading recently. One newer than the other... 


My plan, which may yet fail, is to keep records of books I want (219 at the writing of this) and books I've read (25). Through as long as the notebooks will hold. I don't know if this is something I will stick to or not. There is really only one way to tell properly....

I have half a mind, on Thursdays or Fridays, to look at that week's books finished and withdraw it from the bank using the cash back feature at work. Its not like I'm not going to be there anyway. This week it would be not but $5. I can then put that money away into my little folder, along with the exchanged change, to use toward books. Or do I want to put it into Savings? I will think about it more over the rest of May. My final decision will be in the last update for the month...

My pre-order came in and I'm so horribly excited. I can't wait to get it started. In fact, by the time this post is being written (08:15 on Friday morning), I am already reading it. It's interesting. There are words and phrases I don't quite understand, but that's alright. I'm sure I can at least figure out enough to understand. 

I've been adding books to my currently reading (oddly all blues ones?) instead of actually reading them. If I can get through what I have, then I'll get at least closer to my goal. I'm surprised that I haven't managed to finish any more books. I've got all the time now to read whatever I want, and it's just...nothing. I think I'm going to take the rest of the afternoon to read my books while I do the other things that I have to do...

Until next week, friends~

Happy reading!!

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