Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Second Half the Year Goals

For July to December 2024, I've changed a few of my goals. They will be listed as follows with their updates: 

1. Meet/exceed my reading goal for the year - I have since upped my reading goal from 72 to 100. (Though, the prognosis isn't good).

4. Stick to my book buying restriction - This I just straight up gave up on. We all know I'll never be able to stick to it! Not unless there is some very real threat involved. 

5. Stick to my TBR - I'm planning to do a little experiment in the second half of 2024 which will mean that there are no TBRs to stick to. I'm going to let myself mood read fully to see if I'm more of a mood reader or a TBR girl.

So not all that many have actually changed. This is just more of a thing for me to remember that I even wanted to change the goals in the first place. 

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