Sunday, July 14, 2024

Best and Worst of 2024...So Far.

I saw this the other day on BookTube, and I wanted to participate. So! I will bring you all my top best and worst books so far I've read in 2024. I'm thinking maybe three of each. 
With that in mind, let's begin!.


1. Godkiller by Hannah Kaner - I loved this book. It was well written and you immediately felt bad for this woman, who was basically sacrificed to two different gods as a child. There is so much intrigue that you have to follow along with which made it just so much better. I loved the whole plot of people maybe not being who you think they are. I can't wait to get to Sunbringer to maybe learn who Skedi really is. (5/5)

2. Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher - So this girl who doesn't want to be married anyway, is sent off to a convent where she learns some things and her response is to go and help her sisters. I loved the story telling of it and how it was like a lot of fairytales. Worth the read and got me definitely more interested in T. Kingfisher's work. (5/5)

3. Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver - What even is this book? I read the list of trigger warnings and immediately had to know more. I flew right through it. I liked the interplay between them as they go on all these adventures together and even though I'm not a romance person, I appreciated the romantic conclusion to the novel and the ending was superb. The spicy scenes were well written and I definitely rated this book highly. (4.75/5)


1. Return of the Shadows by Donald L. Marino - This book was absolute garbage. I wish it had been longer, and made more sense. I couldn't really follow along with whatever was happening that was supposed to be a plot. It wasn't. Characters were misnamed or described as someone else. Places just didn't exist all of the sudden or they moved to the opposite side of the map. I heard the author got picked up by a bigger publisher, I hope these books get properly edited and printed in a way that reads much better. (1/5)

2. The Cloisters by Katy Hays - People looking for old cards, but they already have them and they are just giving their poor assistants the run-around. I disliked it so much, I never even left a review. A definite disappointment. (2.5/5)

3. The Myth of June by A.B. Daniels-Annachi - Could have been so much better. There is this whole alternate world and nothing was explored in a way I would have thought. The gods are real and behaved pretty much like they do in this world. I didn't much care for how only the stereotypes of some gods were used. Not my cup of tea at all. (2.5/5)

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