Monday, August 5, 2024

Currently Reading #17 [01 - 03 August 2024]

Currently Reading

- Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver [08%]
- A Journey of the Heart by Brenda Benning [02%]
- Fall, or Dodge in Hell by Neal Stephenson [15%]
- Malediction's Embrace by Candace Morris [02%]
- Truly, Madly, Deeply by Alexandria Bellefleur [01%]

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Yearly Goal

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I have decided to just start fresh with August. I don't remember the last post I made for July other than it was in July. I think though, for the rest of the month, I'll be okay to continue on and just restart this. 

I went through my active currently reading books and got rid of the ones that I wasn't even looking at. They aren't DNF's so much as just on hold to be picked up again later. The fact I have a few 500+ (and at least one 800+) page monsters is enough to keep me with keeping the Currently Reading list down. At least it's not something horrible that I cannot contend with. 

I have also gone through and realized that the experiment with mood reading was only sort of a bust. I do a combination of things. I will read my TBR and then mood read the rest of the month or I kind of flip-flop between them. It's a thing. I'll be continuing on again with TBRs from here on out unless I can find a really convincing reason not to. 

There was something else I was going to say, and now I've gone and forgotten it. Ah well. It must not have been important then, if I cannot remember now.

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