Friday, July 12, 2024

July 2024 Book Haul

I know myself better than to assume I won't buy more books than I read in any month. It is just something I have come terms with. That said, so far I have amassed 9 new books in July.

1. The God of the Woods by Liz Moore - Takes place back in 1975 in a camp where a camper goes missing. A wealthy camper. Daughter of the owners. I'm curious how it's going to play out. It looks brilliant and like one of those psychological thrillers I'm going to absolutely adore. 

2. Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver - Do I really need to talk about it? I grabbed Butcher & Blackbird as an add-on a few months ago and read it quickly. The second I saw the sequel available through the same group so it would match my copy of B&B? I had to jump on it. I think this one follows Rowan's brother, Lachlann and I'm blanking on the FMC's name, but her best friend Lark. Looked good. Cannot wait for it to get here. 

3. The Name Bearer by Natalia Hernandez - I kept seeing a little trailer for it on TikTok and people talking about it. I don't know how I'm going to feel about it, but then I saw it available on KU and had to get it. If I like it, I'll definitely buy a copy. It does look really good. I'm hoping I like it. The synopsis was something about a person who has to get the name of the royal heir from flowers being told that the kid she's supposed to be naming....isn't the heir. That the actual prince (I think it was a prince) is lost somewhere else and she now has to go find him. 

4. Daughter of Fire by Sofia Robleda - I dunno. Kindle First Reads. Looked interesting so I grabbed it. I have absolutely no memory of what it's about. Another Kindle book that I'm hoping to get to sooner rather than later. 

5. The Merciless Ones by Namina Forna - I've read the first book and liked it well enough to look for the next in the series. I found it on BookOutlet fairly cheap and now I'm going to try to move it up higher on the TBR. I'm curious to continue on and find out what's going to happen next.

6. SMP.

7. Castles in Their Bones by Laura Sebastian - I saw it recommended one time on a booktube video and I cannot remember who recommended it or why, but it was like $5 so I thought, why not? I have no idea what it's about or how long it will take. I know it's the first in the series and that the cover is pretty. 

8. SMP #2 

9. Blood Like Fate by Liselle Sambury - I've read the first one a while ago, and I saw this one come up as available in a matching hard cover. I cannot wait to see (and I might have to reread the first one to catch up on what is going on in this series). 

10. Dungeon Queen by Karpov Kinrade & Liv Chatham - No idea. Picked it up through KU (probably?) and I have no memory of why I wanted it....however, we will read it and let you know....?

11. How to Write Your First Novel by M.L. Ronn - I am an aspiring author and I like to read a nonfictions related to the craft. This one is an audiobook I picked up with one of my credits to see just how I will like it. I have no idea really, we will figure things out together!

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