Friday, July 12, 2024

July 2024 Wrap Up

I let myself be all free-flow in July and as such, have read 9 books~

1. Run, Rabbit, Run by Juniper Hartmann - I have read two copies of this book so far, and neither are the finished. I was one of the lucky people chosen to both beta read it and read one of the eARCs of this book. I loved the story telling of it, you can find my full review here

2. Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #4 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - Oh my lord! I had somewhat forgotten the time frame this book takes place during and was certainly very surprised. We pick up with the characters as they discuss the outcome of the Sunshot Campaign and where to go from there. Set mostly in the past, it continues to explore just what led up to Wei Wuxian's reputation when he is resurrected by Mo Xuanyu. I won't comment further beyond warning you that this is where the very first spicy scene in the series takes place, in the end of the book. I love how even though he is treated like garbage by everyone else for shit he cannot control, Wei Wuxian continues to have only their best interests at heart and tries to convince them that what they are doing is wrong. 

3. Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation #5 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - I spent way too much of this book going "Are you an IDIOT?!" Once even out loud. We have fully returned to the present and have begun the conclusion to the story. I love how even missing some of the information, Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji were still able to put together what happened fairly easily and quickly. Do not go in unprepared. The final eight short stories have a lot of spice. One is damn near just porn. I loved the conclusion and how everything was resolved. Now to read Heaven Official's Blessing.

4. Lord of Eternal Night by Ben Alderson - This book was intriguing. It's a Beauty and the Beast retelling only Belle is a boy. Raised to kill the beast and finally end the curse, he has been sent as the final "Claim" to the castle on the edge of Darkmourn. I loved how immediately they were hostile to one another. They constantly got themselves at odds with each other. The biggest plot device I saw that I loved was th idea of who is the real beast and who is the victim? Marius was nothing but kindhearted to everyone he came in contact with. He went out of his way to help where he could and made sure everything was comfortable for Jak, even though he didn't have to. He and Jak both knew the outcome of Jak's stay. I think the way he ended it was beautiful and I am looking forward to reading more. 

5. Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling - This was a very strange book. We follow three groups of people as they figure out life up in northern Canada. The heat in the United States has become nearly unliveable. One of my favorite things was how we had no idea when everything was happening in relation to the groups. All we know is one group is when oil was just being stopped and the other long after it was outlawed. Very good read. I'd love to know what comes next. We get so much interconnected information about people. I loved how Ms. Sterling kept the actual connection between the Blooms and White Alice separate until the very end. And the actual way she revealed it was brilliant. I loved the read, but I am also perturbed by is becoming? Can't help but wonder what the world will look like when we actually reach the year in the novel. We are already at unprecedented heatwaves. What happens next?

6. Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta - I liked the idea of this one, but not the execution. It didn't keep me nearly as engaged as I was hoping. It follows someone as they are forced to basically live a lie for most of their life. The book is set during the Nigerian civil war and follows two girls as they bond. I can't really recall much. It was okay. Definitely didn't like how the main character pretty much forced herself into the closet for her whole life because the threat of death was all too real. Probably not going to reread. 

7. Who the Hell is Pansy O'Hara? by Jenny Bond and Chris Sheedy - I feel like the subtitle of this may be misleading. I did learn about the lives of a few famous authors, but not much about their actual books which what I was expecting. Definitely did not learn enough for me to even remotely consider recommending to anyone. I had hoped it would go over the novels themselves, but no. Rather disappointing read. 

8. Can't Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne - I really enjoyed this book. We follow these people who are fairly powerful within their own countries as they navigate life in a neutral place. Here Reyna and Kianthe can just exist without worrying. Of course their pasts eventually catch up to them and they have to at least partially step back into the roles they used to have. I enjoyed the story and how we just get this slice of life. They want the simple life, but have to work hard for it. I can't wait to see how some of the plot with the queendom works out and the dragons. 

9. Powerless by Lauren Roberts - The animosity!! I read this one fairly quickly. I adored the animosity just immediately between Paedyn and Kai. It stands to reason that she didn't recognize him at first when they were in Loot and she was doing her thing. He also seemed to have no idea what Loot was actually like or he wouldn't have behaved the way he did. I didn't like the repetition of reasoning. Like, I got it the first five times, you don't need to tell me five more. The reveals throughout of who did what and how they were all connected was great. I'm looking forward to Powerful and Reckless

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