Friday, October 3, 2014

Beginning of a Book Blogger

Hello everyone. It's good to meet you all. I hope we get along fantastically. If I am not reading, I am writing. If I am not writing, I am reading. If I am not writing or reading...I'm asleep.

I read on FanFiction that all writers, no matter what they write, ought to have a blog. I thought this sounded like a good idea. So! I decided to make myself one for my writing. Though I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm going to end up putting on the blog. I write a lot, though. I guess this will sort of become my "journal" of book reviews, hauls and wrap-ups. 

I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself....I love to read and write. It's what I spend most of my time doing. Either writing various chapters for my stories (on the computer and by hand), reading what I wrote, or reading what other people wrote. One of my life-goals is to become an editor and right now I'm practicing by reading the things my friends write and at least trying to edit it for content. It's the best I can manage until I can afford to go to college. I had an e-book published already (the publisher went out of business) and I am working, albeit slowly, on a sequel to it. I plan to make the sequel much longer than the original. In fact, if it works out, the original would almost be a prologue. 

Currently, I am working on editing a story that I actually can't stake a claim to the prologue or first chapter of. My friends seem to have this strange (and slightly annoying) habit of starting things, deciding they don't want to continue whatever it is, and passing the story on to me. I have six stories that are like this. Four of them from one friend, and two from another. I like them and I like working on them and seeing if I can finish what they put.

I would also like to say that the reason I don't have a channel on YouTube is twofold. One - I don't have a suitable camera for this. I haven't had the time or money to get something better than your standard point and shoot kind. Two - I don't like recording myself. I am not photogenic in any sort of way and I am much better at writing my words down than saying them out loud.

Until next we meet~

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