Wednesday, April 3, 2019

2019 Quarterly Review - First Quarter

Like last year, I set up a series of goals for myself for 2019. As the first quarter (January-March) has recently ended, I figured it would be a good plan to go over the goals and see how well I'm doing toward my reading and writing plans for the year. I'll list each goal individually and my progress and thoughts on the goal. 

1. Meet/Exceed my Goodreads Goal of 50 - So far, I am at 31/50 at the posting of this update. 18 or so books ahead of schedule. Something tells me if I keep going at the pace I am, I will definitely meet this challenge before July. I'm doing well. There haven't been all that many books that I didn't like, and only a small handful that I loved. My favorite so far of 2019, and the number 1 book on my top favorites list is going to be Renegades by Marissa Meyer. 

2. Review all of the books I read - This one is an easy goal to accomplish. There were a few repeat reviews, because I read too many of the same series in a row (Assassination Classroom by Yusei Matsui, lol I read like 8 of them in a single afternoon), but they were all reviewed on both my personal blog and on Goodreads. 31/31 reviewed so far for 2019. 

3. Read IT by Stephen King - Another one that's going well. I have made it to the quarterly goal (p289, exactly 1/4 of the way) into this book and I am going to be continuing from 290 to 578 in the second quarter of the month. It's definitely an interesting read...

4. Enter and Win Camp NaNo/NaNoWriMo - Technically void right now, as the two camps take place in the second and third quarters, and NaNoWriMo proper is in the fourth quarter. This will be better done up come next quarter's review when at least one of the camp's has passed. 

5. Stick to my book-buying restriction - This one has been a big fat failure. I probably should have actually settled on a restriction that I wanted. First it was I could only buy a book for every five that I read, which put me at 5 books total so far for 2019. Then I was like "how about just the number of lines available on the page?" That does increase the amount of books I can buy, but I didn't stick to that either in January when I bought like 40. I'll do better in the next quarter. 

6. Publish (by any means) at least 2 stories - This is another goal that's not quite ready to go yet. I'm working on stories that are nearly ready for publication to sites like AO3 and/or FanFiction/FictionPress. More to tell in the next quarter. I may look through my older things and see if anything is ready to go up soon with a little editing. 

Hopefully, April-June will be a better review than January-March. Haha I will work on finding a book-buying restriction (not ban) that I can actually stick to during April. 

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