Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 2024 Book Haul

I don't want to hear it. The Friends of the Library sale was in June...

1. A Talent for Murder by Peter Swanson - This one is my choice for June's Book of the Month Club. I read Eight Perfect Murders a while ago, and I adored it so when I saw this book I had to pick it up. I liked his story-telling style and I'm into murder mysteries/crime novels lately so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get it. It looks amazing. I already have my theories based on what I read of the synopsis. Can't wait to see if I'm right. 

2. Predator's Gold by Philip Reeve - I've read the first book, Mortal Engines (and have temporarily misplaced it), and I have seen the movie. I liked them both and am quite curious to see where the next novel takes the series. Maybe I'll even complete it. It was worth it for $1...granted I read the first book 3.5 years ago...? Let's see how much I remember and what I think.

3. Fall by Neal Stephenson - I like his writing. What can I say? I've read The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O and my roommate has Anathem and The Cryptonomicon (which she recommends). I picked this up and read the first few pages of it. I then bought it and have added it straight to my currently reading. I have to agree, Dodge, it is hard to acquire coffee while lying in bed with one's eyes closed. 

4. The Tensorate Series by Neon Yang - I've been looking for the first book in this series of novellas for some time now and when I realized what it was I was seeing I couldn't pass it up. For only $1?! I was going to have it even if I had to beg money from someone. I've been looking forward to reading this for some time now and have been saving up to get it. I want to know what happens.

5. Empress by Shan Sa - This one just plays into my adoration of ancient Chinese history. It follows Empress Wu Zetian, also known as Heaven-Light, on her journey as the first (and only) female emperor in Chinese history.

6. The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern - I read The Night Circus and have been intrigued by The Starless Sea, glad I found it at the sale. It will be pretty high up in my mood reading for the moment. Unless something newer and shinier takes its place. I actually have no idea what it's about, I only know that I like Erin Morgenstern and that was enough for me.

7. The Luminaries by Elizabeth Catton - I've heard about this. I remember hearing about this. I don't remember what it was I heard, good, bad, or otherwise. Here's hoping I like it. It is wonderfully huge and floppy so I'm thinking I'm going to definitely be into it. I don't feel bad about buying it if I don't like it. 

8. The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead - I have read exactly one Richelle Mead book in the past. I've not read her Vampire Academy series (never was one for YA vampire books), but when I saw this one, I thought it looked interesing and who doesn't like a good political court drama? It was also signed and only $3. Of course I'm going to jump on it. 

9. The Gifts by Liz Hyder - No idea what this one is about. Found it on the "newer" releases (2020-2024) sales shelf and it looked intriguing. Someone is spreading rumors that there fallen angels in the town and then someone else has wings randomly sprout from their back and I have no idea what is happening and I want to know so I'm going to (hopefully) read it soon. 

10. To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini - Have I read a single one of the now SIX Christopher Paolini books I own? Nope. Do I keep buying them because I like the premise of the books and I think I will like them? Yes. This one is some sort of sci-fi space opera, I think? I don't know. It was cheap and pretty. 

11. Who The Hell is Pansy O'Hara? by Jenny Bond & Chris Sheedy - I like books about books. This one appears to be a dive into what makes popular books popular. The things that spark that interest in people and I have to know. There's no way I won't think about it all the time. It is pretty short, so I don't think it will take me long to get through.

12. All Systems Red by Martha Wells - This one has been on my list to look out for for quite some time. When I saw it at the book stall at the farmers market for only $1, I had to jump on it. There was no way that I wasn't going to buy it. It was even a hard cover which made me so happy. I couldn't wait and have already read it. 

13. Vita Nostra by Marina & Sergey Dyachenko - I have heard of this one through BookTube. I do not remember what was said about it, but I remember the name and the cover. It was $3, so if I'm disappointed by the read...oh well? It's not like I paid a ton for it. The synopsis is promising. A young girl and a weird school. I'm down to read more. 

14. The World is Made of Stories by David R. Loy - I was given this one by my roommate to see if I liked it and would want to keep it. I'm assuming that if the answer is no, I can then do whatever I want with it. It does look interesting and the opening paragraph has already caught my attention. 

15. Uppity Women of the New World by Vicki Leon - The second of three books I was given to look through and decide if I wanted them or not. I've not yet dipped into this one, so there's no real telling if I'm going to like it or not. It looks easy enough as a morning read. The stories are all 1-2 pages. Something I can use to help myself wake up....? 

16. Really Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs - The final of the three. I knew already that I didn't want it, as I am not much of a bible girl. I accepted it with the idea of just putting it up on PangoBooks. If someone else out there wants it, that's great and I can use any income generated from it to purchase books that I actually want. 

17. In the Days Before by Renee Shantel - This one is an eARC that I applied for that looks beautiful. I cannot wait to read it and find out what it's all about. From what I know, we follow a girl who runs this blog about missing folks to help them be found, I assume called In the Days Before, and when her friend goes missing everyone thinks she is somehow involved. I have no idea and it looks wonderful. 

18. Reign of Spears by Martin Dukes - Another eARC, but this time I have zero recollection of applying for it. Odds are I did, and then proceeded to immediately forget. I guess I know what my next read is going to be...this book is due on 31 July. Let's get to reading. All I know is that it's fantasy. And medieval? Yep. That's what I know. Gods and books and spears. Looks like fun.

19. SMP. 

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