Monday, June 10, 2024

June 2024 Wrap Up

June started out so much better than every other month this year. Not even a full week in, and I had read 3 books with more easily to be finished within the second. 

In June, I read 6 books: 

1: The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones - It was a long time in the reading. The congregation I am part of has been doing a lot more work to help end racism and we had a speaker come in by the name of Arthur Breese. He mentioned this book a few times and so I picked it up to read for myself and see the source material he was pulling from. I must say I did enjoy it and my biggest take away is that white people suck and we need to do better for our Black and POC friends. 

2: Make You Mine by E.M. Lindsey - As the child of an HOH adult (not quite the same, I know), I was drawn to this when I read about Adriano being Deaf. It was beautifully written and I flew right through it over two days. I loved how we see them in the past and the present and the slow realization Adriano has at why Noah is so familiar to him. What it is about Noah that calls to him. Their love story did seem to progress a little fast for me, but then they had an established history and I do feel a little better about that. I rated this one fairly high and I am planning on picking up the rest of this series. 

3: The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang - I had requested this one, once upon a time, from NetGalley, and they turned me down. When I saw it on the new releases shelf, I snatched it. I think I read this book over the course of one and a half days? It was stunning. I loved it and I am so happy that I had the chance to read it. We follow two people who keep meeting up and falling in love over and over. One of them will remember, but the other one won't and I guess they are trying to solve whatever "curse" is upon them so they can stay together. It was well written and I couldn't put it down. I flew right through it. Loved it and looking forward to more by Justinian Huang.

4: Zombabe by I.S. Belle - What in the actual fuck did I read? It didn't take me long to get through, but there was definitely something missing from this. We're reminded of things that never happened and shit just kind of went from 0 to 60 in less than a second. It wasn't a bad premise, just strangely executed. 

5. Return of the Shadows by Donald L. Marino - No. Didn't like it one bit. Extremely poor grammar. Extremely poor structure. Extremely poor everything really. Not rereading, not likely to read the other two installments. 

6. All Systems Red by Martha Wells - This one was hilarious. I loved reading the mission through Murdrebot's eyes and finding out all of their insecurities and the way they interacted with the team. I have no idea why they were always so anxious and awkward, the human/augmented human team did their best to make them feel included once they started participating more in the actual work. Looking forward to the next volume~

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