Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 2024 Unhaul

I wasn't anticipating having any unhaul books this month, yet here we are...
I unhauled 1 book in June:  

1: Loving the Sinner by Daisy Wren - I did try. Made it to 12%. The whole thing just progressed way too quickly. These people (barring Luke and Lizzy), barely knew each other and they were acting like they were in love. Like a proposal was right around the corner. I couldn't do it. Also, the formatting was atrocious. Chapter breaks right in the middle of a page...bleh. Deleted it from all my devices.

2: Really Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs - I was given this book. It's a Christian nonfiction about the women in the bible. As a self-proclaimed Hellenistic Pagan, I have no interest in the book. I've put it up on my Pango already. 

3: Live Writing by Ralph Fletcher - I bought this a long time ago at a yardsale, I think? I don't actually remember any event, I have decided to get rid of it, as I have no plans to ever pick it up. This one can also be found on my PangoBooks account. 

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