Monday, December 12, 2016

November 2016 Wrap-Up

So my darlings, I actually only read one book in November. It was NaNoWriMo again and there's this thing where my brother-in-law works known as "peak season" where basically they have to be at work for many hours, he was working from like 5p-3a, for six days a week. He volunteered to work all seven in return for some special bonuses for working the seventh day every week.....well....guess who was watching the kids while mom (who is a manager at a fast food place) and dad worked? If you guessed me, you'd be right. I had almost no time to read between trying to cram my words for NaNo in and babysitting every day that she didn't have off work. I guess then it's not so sad that I only finished one?

Anyway, on to that one lonely little book:

Book #1: Room by Emma Donoghue

To five-year-old Jack, Room is the entire world. It is where he was born and grew up; it's where he lives with his Ma as they learn and read and eat and sleep and play. At night, his Ma shuts him safely in the wardrobe, where he is meant to be asleep when Old Nick visits. Room is home to Jack, but to Ma, it is the prison where Old Nick has held her captive for seven years. Through determination, ingenuity, and fierce motherly love, Ma has created a life for Jack. But she knows it's not enough...not for her or for him. She devises a bold escape plan, one that relies on her young son's bravery and a lot of luck. What she does not realize is just how unprepared she is for the plan to actually work. Told entirely in the language of the energetic, pragmatic five-year-old Jack, Room is a celebration of resilience and the limitless bond between parent and child, a brilliantly executed novel about what it means to journey from one world to another.

Oh my god did this freak me out. I hated what was happening to them. I rated it 4/5, because I want to know more about Jack and his life afterward. How does he cope with going to school? How does he handle the work force? They literally didn't get into any of that. It just stops. I don't understand why she didn't continue it beyond Room. I liked the story and it reminded me of a lot of other stories that I've read and movies I watched. Just far too real for me. 

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