Saturday, July 15, 2023

Currently Reading: 16 to 22 July 2023

Currently Reading

- Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust (04%)
- The Ivory Key by Akshaya Raman (01%)
- The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem (22%)
- The Orphic Hymns by Patrick Dunn (07%)

* * *
Yearly Reading Goal

48/72 (67%)
* * *

They actually got a physical copy of Yellowface by R.F. Kuang at my library and I had to have it. I finished it by 23:30. Had it all of 10 hours and I blazed right through it. I couldn't stop!!

My orders for July all came in back to back. Wednesday I got in This Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us by Edgar Cantero, which is a stand-alone in the same universe as Meddling Kids that follows A. & Z. Kimrean and their adventures sharing one body between them. Then I also got Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan because Raegen (Raegan?) over PeruseProject has been raving about it and I was too curious for my own good. Then! My pre-order of The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem arrived earlier than it was supposed to. I'm looking forward to finishing it and getting my dang review up. 

Writing is going. I'm just below 25k, which is still above goal. I'm not getting the write every day badge. I knew I wasn't though. I get sucked into doing other things and forget about it. It is what it is. Anyone who is still following my Flights Rising FanFiction will have noticed that. I think it was March when i last updated. I will go back to look at where I stopped and try to resurrect it for September. I have far too much reading to get to in August...

Anyway! I will likely not continue it for a fair while since the readathon begins in a week. I can hardly believe a week from tomorrow (Saturday, July 22) we can all start reading for Orilium. I'm undecided as to which book I want to start. The Picker Wheel landed on Conjuration - Ordinary, which is The Blood Heir by Amélie Wen Zhao. I can do that. 

I even set it up to tell me which level I'm on. As I finish, I will either update the letter [Conjuration (O) -> Conjuration (Q)] or delete that spot all together in the case of say Demonology where I only need an Ordinary to pass for the year. Because otherwise I'll end up going entirely "off script" and reading unrelated things.

I got distracted from Project Secret by another story....Project Medusa. I have so much already in mind and I know I'm going to need to do a lot of research to be ready for it. I have the characters and basic plot in mind and here's hoping it goes well and that I can get it written in a timely manner. Here's to a new writing adventure!!

I will close for now, stay tuned for next week and the unoffical official start of the Orilium Autumn Equinox Semester!

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