Sunday, July 17, 2016

Booktube-A-Thon 2016

I have decided that despite not actually having a BookTube account, I will participate in the Booktube-A-Thon this year. I've chosen my seven books for the read-along and I'm going to include them below and my reasoning why I picked the ones that I did.

1) Read a book with yellow on the cover: The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey
I didn't actually know at first what I would pick for this. I don't have very many books that have yellow on their covers. At least not many that I could think of. Then I remembered that one of the people I absolutely love on BookTube (Peter Likes Books) actually raved about a book that I owned. That book would be The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. I had entirely forgotten that not only did I buy this one, I actually also bought the sequel. It is the largest of the books on my Booktube-A-Thon pile, but I hope to get through it quickly. 

2) Read a book only after sunset: A Year by the Sea by Joan Anderson
Don't ask. I don't know. I don't read memoirs normally and for a reason that I don't happen to personally know, I decided that the book I am going to read for my only after sunset challenge. Why? Who knows! So Joan learns that her husband is going to a new job several thousand miles away and she just doesn't want to go with him. Sudden bout of apathy. I want to know why she felt the way she did. I want to know if she figured it out while she lived by the sea in the cottage for a year. It sounded interesting and it's under 200 pages....that was a big draw for me. 

3) Read a book discovered through YouTube: The Martian by Andy Weir
Not only did I get it. I got the edition that I wanted. Not the one with Mark Wahlberg's face on it really big. No the original orange version of it despite having bought it more than a year after it was released. I like science books nearly as much as I like alien books. I'm bad at math and science related stuff, so I don't know WHY I like it. I heard about this when I first started watching Booktube, which was also right around when I started up this blog. I liked the way they talked about how Mr. Weir combined actual science with humor in the novel. I cannot now remember which booktubers I actually saw it on besides jessethereader and even then I think I'm not remembering correctly. Anyways, moving on. I can't wait.

4) Read a book by one of your favorite authors: The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis.
This would be me cheating actually. I'm still sort of "Eh" on the C.S. Lewis front. The slight problem is I don't really have a favorite author. I like so many that I'm just like uhhhhhhhhh that one? I am actually in a buddy read with a friend of mine and we are reading the Chronicles of Narnia in publication order and I decided that I would use that slot (or slot seven) to read the next book in the series. I am liking it right now, and I've even already named some cyber pets after the characters in the book. I want to know how Eustace will do without his cousins there with him. He definitely seems much more....mature...than before. I'm glad that he's not a vicious little prick like in the beginning of Voyage of the Dawn Treader. That's good!

5) Read a book older than you are: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
I think I've read Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I'm pretty sure (like 85%) that I have. So I decided that for the book older than me, I'd pick something that wasn't super long and I went with this one. I think even the edition I'm reading is older than I am. Considering Mr. Twain died in like 1910 and I wasn't born for nearly another 80 years....that counts for older than me. Its nearing five times my age. I love classics too, so this should be very easy!

6) Read a book and watch it's movie adaptation: Paper Towns by John Green. 
Psych! I know that the picture at the top has TFIOS. I was going to do that one because my sister loved it and is obsessed with Shailene Woodley, so I figured that she would have a copy of the TFIOS DVD. We couldn't find it, but she did have a copy of Paper Towns so I decided that I'm going to read that instead. She gave me the book and DVD at the same time. This doesn't sound too terrible, even though I am not usually one for YA contemporary books. I prefer classics or fantasy.

7) Read seven books: The Tuesday Club Murders by Agatha Christie.

I just grabbed the nearest book to my person. It just so happens that the nearest one to me is actually one of my great-aunt's favorite authors. She'd had a huge collection of Agatha Christie books that she was going to send up for me. Unfortunately they were destroyed during Hurricane Katrina. This is one of the only ones I have now. I think it's good that I'm reading this one. It will be a good way to both close out Booktube-a-thon and to honor my great-aunt.

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