Saturday, February 25, 2017

Friday Reads: 04 February - 24 February 2017

Currently Reading

- The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead (29%)
-  A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro (48%)
- To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris (01%)
- Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden (03%)
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke (12%)
The Clouded Sky by Megan Crewe (25%)
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield (100%)
The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (12%)
The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon (34%)
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (71%)

* * *

I really did mean to post on Friday the 10th, and the 17th, I did. But sick me, sick sister, sick mom, sick dad, nearly sick dog...actually sick was just unbelievably hectic around here. You have no idea. I hope you never have any idea. I do not wish this on anybody.

So, I got myself the sampler of A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro, and when I made it to the end, I folded. I went down like a cheap card table and just had to buy a copy of the book. I got the eBook for cheap and I love it. I'm zipping right through. I love Sherlock Holmes, by now that should be obvious. When I found a copy of a "modern" Holmes & Watson story, I needed it. Like really really needed it. I think this might be the best $1.99 I've ever spent.

I got an email alert the other day, like ya do, from Twitter. It said that someone had followed me. I thought nothing of it of course because I'm followed by so many weird accounts that I just don't pay all that much attention any more. Except, this one caught my eye. Why on earth would a New York Times, USA Today (I read that paper now and then), and Publisher's Weekly bestselling author that I've never heard of follow me on a platform I hardly use? I don't tweet. I rarely ever retweet unless it's something from Goodreads or the like. So I look her up. Who is this Bella Andre and why did she decide to follow the least Twitter friendly person on Twitter?

Turned out, she writes romance novels. Not even a different genre/romance. No. Ms. Andre writes sappy, cheesy romance novels. The one and only type of novel that I actively avoid. I suppose I should give her some sort of benefit of the doubt and at least attempt to read one. Just the one. I'm assuming I'm not going to like them much.

On...Tuesday, at least I think it was Tuesday, I got a message from a friend. Naturally I didn't see the first part of what she had said. I only saw these two photographs of absolutely gorgeous leather bound classics novels. I fell in love immediately. How could I not? I needed these in my collection. I scrolled up to see what she had said just before hand because the notification was indicating there were three new messages.

SHE HAD ASKED ME IF I WANTED THEM!!! What?! There are a few (Candide by Voltaire, The Canterbury Tales by Jeffery Chaucer, and Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackery to be specific) are volumes I've been looking for. How could I ever turn that down? Someone explain to me how I could possibly say no to such a wonderful collection?

I suppose that will be all for now. I'll see you soon.

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