Saturday, July 14, 2018

Currently Reading: 09 June to 14 July 2018

Currently Reading

- The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw (01%)
- The Sherlockian by Graham Moore (01%)
- IT by Stephen King (05%)
- Queen of the Star Pirates by Stephen Landis (06%)
The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. by Neal Stephenson and Nicole Galland (09%)
- Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en (14%)
- To the Letter by Simon Garfield (60%)
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke (27%)
The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (39%)

* * *

Yeah, as you can see, half of the books from last time are gone, and there are four new ones. I've made another sort of decision involving the bookish update journal blog thingy that I haven't been updating at all recently. I have decided that instead of every single week on Fridays, I will actually post it every other week on Sunday, on my weekend off from work. So that way I'm not as busy as I would normally be. Let's get into what in the world has been happening in my bookish world!

I'm not sure how many people reading this blog know where Wilkes-Barre is, or have heard of it at all, but those that do will remember the recent storm we had in the area that managed to produce an EF2 tornado in the Wilkes-Barre Arena Hub Plaza. Unfortunately for us book nerds in the area, the front of the Barnes & Noble in the Arena Hub Plaza was ripped off. Included were the support beams, so the front of the store collapsed completely. Ironically, the only part of the front to remain standing was the Starbucks kiosk that was in the far corner. The registers, journal, and children's sections were decimated. My heart goes out to all of the employees of that Barnes & Noble that are now without steady income until it is repaired. Barnes & Noble headquarters recently released a statement that they plan to have the location up and running again before Thanksgiving 2018. I am curious to see if they actually do reach that goal. 

What else? Oh, because of the fact that part of Dick's Sporting Goods ended up in Scranton, they found it in a lot in Montage Mountain, we found ourselves hunting for a new "danger store," called as such because they are dangerous to my wallet. A friend of ours, whom I will only refer to as JB, told us about Books-a-Million in the Scranton area. We've been twice and I have spent over $100 both times. The first time I bought a lot of things that were not books. I got tee shirts, magnets, book marks, and something else that I cannot remember what it is offhand, but should I recall, I will include it in the next post. The second round, when the air tried to off my friend KS, I got mostly books. I am participating in the Biannual Bibliothon Summer 2018, and I didn't want the last book I purchased (Prompt #7) to be IT by Stephen King. Could you imagine trying to read that in less than a week? I have the Scribner edition which has 1,153 pages. Two and a half inches thick. That just wouldn't happen.

So we went to Books-a-Million. I got my little trolley. I like the trolleys. Anyway, I got my trolley and my pen and my piece of paper with the list of books I was looking and set about going through the store. I did find three of the seven books that I had on my list. I got Renegades by Marissa Meyer, The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson, and Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia. None of the other books that I had on my list (Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Friend Request by Laura Marshall, Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller, The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchinson, and Rites of Passage by William Golding) were available. To appease myself, I ended up buying a ton of other books and an adorable owl pen that flaps it's plastic wings when you write with it.

That thing. I remembered what it was. A Little Mermaid reusable glass bottle. I love The Little Mermaid so that's why I got it when I saw it. I knew I'd remember what it was eventually. It was in my mind somewhere, just had to access the information. 

Recently I have gotten into a hard core kick of reading the older books on my Currently Reading list on Goodreads (which is what I copy to the blog post). I finished two or three of them already? Some, like Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, will be harder to get through than others because of their sheer size. I came up with the idea that I should actually read only the hard cover (of either size) and trade paperback books when I am at home. When I'm out and about I will read the manga and mass market paperbacks that I have. I will be able to get through them all easier that way. 

Library Room July 2018
Considering the most recent photograph of my desk looks something like the one to the right (I've since cleaned it off and put my laptop, printer, desk light and notepad there), I might want to consider abandoning Camp NaNo for July and focusing on reading. I have not read a single one of the books in that photograph. Of the literal near thousand books I own, I've read maybe 200-225. It's hard to properly gauge since I can't use GoodReads. A fair portion of the books recorded in my Read folder are library, digital, or borrowed from friends. There it has 243. My doc, which is only about 1/3 done, has 581 listed on it and that's definitely not including all of the new ones I just recently purchased at Books-a-Million and from MS's old collection that I got to filter through. Those will have to be added to the pile which I will have to once again go through. I doubt that many are actually on there. Curse my inability to not buy books!

I think I ought to check in at least once in 2018 with my Reading Goal. So far (as of 14 July) I have read 46/50 books. I am 20 books ahead of schedule. 92% of the way finished with my goal. If I manage to finish four more books before the 31st, I will have completed my goal and everything after it will just be bonus books. I doubt that I will not make it as this month there is, as I have mentioned before, the Biannual Bibliothon. It has the following prompts and my choices for said prompts: 

1) Read the Group Book -The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw
2) Read a Book from Someone Else's TBR - The Magicians by Lev Grossman
3) Read the First Chapter of Three Books and Chose One to Finish - The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson/Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia/The Shack by William Paul Young
4) Read a Book That has Been on Your TBR Over a Year - The Iron Wyrm Affair by Lilith Saintcrow
5) Read a Predicted 5-Star Book - And I Darken by Kiersten White
6) Read an Own Voices Book that is Different from You - Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon
7) Read the Last Book You Purchased - A List of Cages by Robin Roe

And the book we chose for challenge #3?! The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson. When I was reading the first three chapters, this is the one that stuck out the most to me and the one I was most interested in reading. I didn't think I would actually put it down at first, but I managed.

I don't think those are quite a bad list. I can manage a few hours before and after work during the week to get through them, none are horribly long, with the exception of And I Darken, but that's a YA Fantasy I will probably fly through. I doubt I won't be able to finish them, but if I can't, I'll just finish reading them in the month of July! If I manage to complete all of these before the month is up, I'll finish July at 54/50 or 108% of my 2018 goal. I also have a shorter anthology I'm reading and a series of manga. If I finish those as well, I will be at 60/50 or 120%. I wonder if I can do it? I think so!

That is all for this edition of Currently Reading! I will see you lovelies again in two weeks for my next update. 

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