Saturday, November 14, 2020

Currently Reading: 08 November to 14 November 2020

 Currently Reading

Transformative Witchcraft by Jason Mankey (02%)
- The Ravens by Kass Morgan and Danielle Paige (01%)
- Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler (51%)
- Wicked Fox by Kat Cho (01%)

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Yearly Goal


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NaNoWriMo Count


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I know. I am quite sorry about it. I fell off the train and got caught up doing everything else. Plus it's November, which means NaNoWriMo is in full swing. These last few weeks just got away from me. I hated it. I plan to actually make time every day, or at least every Saturday, to write something and keep you all (what few of you there are) abreast of my reading and writing for that week. Maybe I'll start working on my bookish tags again. Who knows what will happen? 

So, I gave up on the two big books for the year. I lost interest in them. I may read them again in the future, but I just didn't care any more. I have a new big book planned for 2021 that a friend is going to buddy read with me. I managed to get a book that splits evenly. Each quarter I have to hit 227 pages exactly. I don't know how I did it, but I did. 

If you're wondering, the book is Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I hated the old mass market edition that I had, so I splurged and bought myself the absolutely gorgeous Barnes & Noble classics edition. It is so pretty and so big. 908 pages. Holy crap, man. The font (typesetting? I don't know) is so tiny. It will be a priority each month. 

Speaking of monthly reads. I have had a brilliant idea. I got back into listening to audiobooks not that long ago and have decided that I want to have a set TBR of 6 books every month. 2 from each category of type: 2 print, 2 ebooks, and 2 audiobooks. Which means, only 1 of the books each month will be new. Since I have to read 227 pages of Les Mis every quarter. That equates to 75-76 pages of that per month just to stay on track. That's only if I include on the set TBR. Which I may not do. 

I am sure you have noticed my goal no longer says /50 on it. I passed 50 a long time ago and have upped it to 100. I may leave it like that from now on. 50 became too easy to hit with how much I read these days. This should be a lot of fun for next year. I've done away with some goals, though. I won't force myself to review everything. That's just dumb. Granted, I still do short reviews/thoughts for my wrap-up posts. 

NaNoWriMo is in full swing. I'm almost half done and the month isn't half over yet. We have a 'word war' with another region over the weekend. I may win early for a change. Though I am sort of cheating and keeping my notes, outline, and actual novel all in one document together. I haven't decided what special thing to allow myself for each 10,000 words. And I get two already since I passed 20,000 on the 11th. 

I suppose I will end this now, before it gets out of hand~ We will see you in the next blog post! Happy reading, my friends. 

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