Sunday, June 9, 2024

May 2024 Book Unhaul

I wonder if I'll actually unhaul anything in May?

The answer, apparently, is yes. 

1: Moon Rise by D.D. Line - I tried. I really did. This was an ebook I got during Stuff Your Kindle's witchy sale, I think. I have no idea what the actual plot was. I made it all of 9% into the book and just could not handle the MC's holier-than-thou attitude any more. The whole thing takes place way too quickly, in my humble opinion. There really should have been more than a handful of pages between her arriving in Duluth (Michigan?) from her home dimension and the reveal of the actual BBEG. It was very Mary Sue/Pick Me Girl American Harry Potter. There was no way I was getting through it. It was removed from all devices. 

2: Kokoro by Natsume Sōseki - I had had such high hopes for this one. Fortunately it likely had nothing to do with Mr. Sōseki himself why this one got removed. It was a formatting issue. There were no indentations for new paragraphs and it drove me batty after only one page. I couldn't fathom suffering through an entire book like that. I immediately deleted it from my Kindle. 

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