Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May 2023 Book Haul

I may have gone a little more wild with my book buying this month than was strictly May I purchased or acquired 7 books. 

1. The Last Word by Taylor Adams - This was my Book of the Month selection and just looked brilliant. A young woman is house sitting for a friend of hers and reads a book they recommended. After she goes online and rates it a 1/5 stars, the author threatens her that she needs to take down or change her review. That's literally all I know, and I'm not even sure that's correct. It looks amazing. 

2. House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig - I grabbed this one from Audible with my credit for May. Looks interesting, and I remember hearing a lot of really good things about it from BookTok, Bookstagram, and BookTube over the last few years. So there is a good chance I will like it. I did enjoy what I'd read of Small Favors by her (which I plan to return to in June). 

3. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery - This one is a reading favorite/classic from what I gather. I was perusing the Free Little Library while I was at my nephew's birthday party, and discovered a pristine, brand new edition there. I will have to remember to take a book back eventually for them. I am curious about it and want to get to it as quickly as I can. 

4. Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison - I have no idea what this is about. I saw it for $1.99 at the local Goodwill and figured I'd give it a try. I've been interested in reading Toni Morrison lately. People who read the classics (modern and later) have talked about her works and I am very curious to know more. 

5. Hear the Wind Sing/Pinball, 1973 by Haruki Murakami - Okay, firstly, it's been years since I had a flip book. The kind where there are two novels in one and when you hit the end of the first one you flip it over and start the second. I have a few other Murakami books, and this has the first two novels he's ever written in it. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

6. Future Feeling by Joss Lake - I saw a review or a currently reading, one of the two, for this on BookTok and it looked just so bizarre that I couldn't resist. It's less than 200 pages and is probably one of the most unusual books I've ever read. I've started and stopped it a few times. Hopefully I can read it soon. 

7. The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem (ARC) - I'm counting this one even though it's an ARC that I was approved for. I put the finished copy on pre-order from Barnes & Noble, but I am absolutely excited to get to this one. Hopefully before it releases in July. 

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