Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2016 Bookish Goals

This year I decided to actually work out some goals and resolutions I would have for the year. I've been watching a lot of Booktube Goals videos recently. Last year I sort of just went with the flow with my blog and reading, whatever happened....happened. Sort of just let things unfold however they would. This year, however, I am actually going to plan to do some things. I may not actually meet all of these goals, but I want to write them down anyway.

A lot of people are putting a goal of reading only what they want to read. I would put that, but I do that already. I only read a book if I want to. Isn't that half the point? Why would anybody read a book they didn't want to read in the first place (except in school situations). 

With no further adieu~

1 – Read all of the books on my Top 15 Physical Books to Read list. I know this sounds silly, but I have hundreds (literally) of books that are on my TBR. I think all but 14 of the books in my room are currently unread. The others are all books that I need to get to some time. I will have a blog post up as well with the 15 Physical Books to Read in 2016 and I really really want to actually read them!

2 – Read all of the books on my Top 15 Kindle Books to Read list. You should all have known this was going to also be a thing. I have more Kindle books than I do physical books. So this year I intend to also come up with 15 Kindle books to read and I want to get to them as well. Knocking out almost half of my 75 book goal.

3 – Reach my 72 book goal on Goodreads. Last year I set my goal for 25. I finished that in May. Then with a lack of goal to reach, I sort of fizzled out and didn't read the way I had wanted to. I ended up not doing my morning and evening reading. This year I set the bar much higher to make sure I stay on track and get into the habit of reading every day like I'd meant to last year.

4 – Admit defeat when I am not interested and DNF books. Do not fear the DNF!! People are always talking about how bad it is, I guess, to not finish a book once you start it. I never understood this. I pushed through one book because I was supposed to do a review of it, and I think I gave it 1 or 2 stars. This year, I'm getting in to the mindset that it is okay not to finish a book if I don't like it!

5 – Review all of the books I read on Goodreads. I am terrible at this. I will star them, and put them on the appropriate shelf....but then I don't review them! I wanted to do this last year and just sort of...failed. Haha. This year I will try to actually do it. Usually I fail miserably at it. I want to go through and actually start reviewing. I even got a reading journal just so I could keep my notes for the book that I'm reading so I can write up good reviews.

6 – Stick to my Book Buying Limit. Also failed to do this last year. Starting the day this post goes up (because I already bought 2 books this year and can't really undo that), I will go back to buying 1 new book for every 5 books I finish reading. I even keep a tally so I know how many I can buy. Seriously I had been doing really well and then yard sale season started and I gave up. This of course only counts books I actually pay for. Free Kindle books and gifts from others are not included in this 1-for-5 thing.

7 – Listen to at least 2 complete Audiobooks. I don't listen to them often, because I have a nasty habit of actually tuning out background noise. I figure if I start buying them on like Amazon or something where you get the CDs or in the store, I would actually finish them. I am proud of myself for actually making it halfway through Gone Girl before I gave up because I missed parts of it.

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