Thursday, February 25, 2016

25 Bookish Things About Me

I saw this tag a few different times on YouTube and I thought I would do it myself. I think that the original tag video is long gone, but I liked the ones that I did see. So I came up with my own list of 25 bookish things about myself and wow was it hard! I hope you enjoy it and I tag all of you who want do it to do it and link me so I can see!

1. I prefer reading soft cover books. I don't know why this is, I just like the feel of mass market paperback books instead of trades or hardcovers.

2. I have to have plain black tea while I drink. Why? I have no idea. It needs to be black, with 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of cream.

3. I always buy way more books than I have room for, and I have a difficult time letting go of the ones that I've already read or have no interest in reading. It's just...I am a hoarder. They look pretty.

4. I can't read my Kindle at night. I know some people do, but I have to read a physical print book at night before bed. It helps me unwind and turn off my mind for the night.

5. I have a strict reading schedule that I stick to about what format I read and what times. I'm weird. I have to read my Kindle from 9-11:30am and then only print books from 10-11pm.

6. I carry at least two physical books and my Kindle with me everywhere I go. Always. Even if I know I won't be in the place very long.

7. I cannot listen to audiobooks. I tried. I tried a lot, but nothing at all from the book seems to stick in my head.

8. My least favorite genre is contemporary. Most of it seems to be romance and I am not a fan of romance, but I don't mind it being in books. I just don't understand why people want to read television soaps.

9. I like to make my own bookmarks. I end up with a lot of blank index cards and beads I don't know what to do with, so I've begun making my own bookmarks to keep for myself and to sell (to get book-buying money) to other readers. I also found that each one has to have exactly 14 beads. 7 on each strand of the yarn.

10. I can't stand highlighting in Kindle books because it actually covers the words. I hate it. Why?

11. I have to take notes in a little notebook while I'm reading to organize my thoughts for Goodreads reviews later. Otherwise my own thoughts are going to be a jumbled mess.

12. I keep my reviews both on Goodreads and in a little Readers Journal my mother bought me for Christmas.

13. I don't like watching adaptations of books. Most of the time they get it so off from the original book that it makes me mad. I understand that a lot of it happens because they can't do a ten-twelve hour movie, but I still just don't like it.

14. I have more books in my wishlist on Amazon than any other item. I love keeping hoards of books there.

15. I have a difficult time getting into YA dystopian novels. I don't know why this is. I managed to read The Selection by Kiera Cass with no problems, but for the life of me I just can't read The Hunger Games by Susanne Collins. I can't do it. I never get beyond page ten.

16. I hate it when people spoil a book's ending on me. I don't so much mind if they tell me the beginning or the middle, but if they tell me how the book resolves, I have problems.

17. I love classics. Even though they are basically the contemporary books of their time. It's more the language that I like. It's nothing like the way people speak and write today.

18. I have a habit of reading no less than five books at a time. People ask me constantly how I can keep the plots separate in my head. I don't know. I

19. I have caught myself forgetting to eat or go to the bathroom while I'm reading. Hours have gone by and I have not moved save for turning the page of swiping the screen.

20. I don't complete many series. The only one that I know I've finished is the Harry Potter series. I have not gone further than book 4 in any other.

21. Most of the books I own I bought at yard sales or the library book sale. Very few of them have actually come from a proper book store like Barnes & Noble. Even the ones I bought in stores were in second hand stores.

22. I hate movie tie-in covers. I can't stand them. I don't plan on ever watching the movie, so why would I want the movie cover? I will actually wait and find the book elsewhere with the original cover on it.

23. My bookshelves look like their disorganized, but really that's how I like it. I shelve them by their size. I don't understand how people can break up a book series to put them in rainbow order. My own inner book nut just can't cope with that.

24. I like writing or drawing in my books. I paid for it, it's mine. I also love seeing when other people have left notes in the books and getting a glimpse, even a small one, into their world when they were reading them.

25. I have several documents saved on my laptop that list the books I want to buy, the books I want to read during the year (two different lists for ebooks and physical books), the books I read and all sorts of book related topics.

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