Monday, May 1, 2017

Review: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

I don't really know how to start this review. I enjoyed this book. It was pretty good. The story line reminded me very much of a tale my friend told me about a book she read, at least I think that's what it was. I don't know. Anyway, the man got himself a wife but he was sad because he didn't have the time he wanted to devote to his experiments or whatever it was he wanted to do. Then in some other world a man had devoted his entire life to working on his experiments and he was upset because he didn't have anybody to go home to at night. 

This book is very similar to that story in where one of the men was very upset that he didn't pursue the love interest that he had and instead chose to work on his experiments. Everybody wonders what it would be like to see what would have happened if you just stepped into another version of your life where you took a different path. That's this. 

Jason reminded me of your average sort of professor. Smart, driven to do wonderful things, but happy with the life he's got. I know a lot of people like this and it seemed to be while not perfect, the best sort of life for him. He understood that. I liked that he understood that life was what you make of it, not what you're given.

I didn't understand really any of the actual quantum physics stuff he talked about. I'm not that sort of smart. I'm sure I could understand it if I put more time into reading books about it. It just went over my head now while I was reading. It was really interesting though, and you would think I would be all about that science stuff after reading The Martian by Andy Weir. Oh well. Let's move on. Crouch didn't write in a way that was super science-y, but it was a bit beyond my current ability to grasp.

I flew through this book. When I actually started reading it seriously, I finished it. I went from page 130 to 340 in like four hours. it was that good. I loved the way that his wife knew solidly which one of the men was her husband. She didn't even have to second guess it. I wish the ending would have been continued a little bit. It felt too much like a movie cliffhanger ending, very much like the end of the Knowing where the kids just wandered into the alien wheat field. They've left the end open for a sequel. Almost to the point where if there isn't one, I'd be highly disappointed. I want to know how the various threads actually wrap up. 

I've been wanting to read this book for a while. I heard about it on BookTube and I was very intrigued. Had to know what it was about. I gave this book a 4/5 stars. I enjoyed it very much and I am likely to read it again and recommend it to friends, but it just wasn't completely blown away by it. I received this book from Blogging for Books in return for an honest review. 

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