Monday, September 11, 2017

Reading Habits Tag

I was surfing BookTube and I saw Peter Likes Books doing a tag I hadn't heard of. The Reading Habits Book Tag, and I figured I would give it a go. I mean, why not? So, here are the questions and my answers.

1. Do you have a special place at home to read? 
Yes, actually. I typically read in one of two places. Either my bed or out on my front porch (I don't have a back porch, but that would be nicer). Currently I'm reading in my room more because naturally it's September in the northeast and it's cold here now. Anyway, I definitely like those two places best for reading.

2. A bookmark or a random piece of paper?
Bookmarks definitely. I only use a random piece of paper if I cannot find my envelope of bookmarks. I even make my own just so I always have some on hand. 

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to end at a chapter or certain number of pages?
I just stop. I've stopped in the middle of paragraphs before. I read until I don't feel like reading any more, if that means stop on a chapter then that's what I do, but I can stop right in the middle of a page. I'm not picky about that. 

4. Do you eat or drink while reading?
I tend to drink tea. I don't eat while I read though. I'll break from reading to eat and watch BookTube on my phone. It's just what I do. 

5. Multi-tasking: Music or TV while reading?
Music, specifically instrumental music. I can't have things with words going on while I'm reading or I'll get distracted. I tried to listen to the TV while I read, but I ended up just watching whatever the program on was instead of the book. I tried reading during commercials and would end up watching the entire commercial as well. I just can't do the words. 

6. One book at a time or several at once?
Several at once. I think currently I'm reading 13 books. I can't read just one at a time. I can't even imagine reading just one book at a time. 

7. Reading at home or anywhere?
I've read all over the place. I am never without a book. I don't have any qualm with reading pretty much wherever I happen to be (including on the train ride home from New York).

8. Reading out loud or silently in your head? 
Silently in my head. People read out loud? I guess if you're reading to a toddler or something or an older person who cannot see the words any more. If I'm just reading for me, it's definitely quiet. I don't read out loud normally.

9. Do you read ahead or skip pages?
Neither. I don't like missing anything. You never know when an important detail will just pop up. I don't want to read ahead or skip and then have no idea what's happening because the part that I skipped was an important part of the plot. That seems just silly to me. 

10. Breaking a spine or keeping it like new?
I try not to break the spine, mostly because that makes the book sit funny on the shelf, but I don't mind if they get sort of damaged. I agree with Peter that you can tell if a person loved their book if it isn't in perfect condition.

11. Do you write in your books?
Sometimes. Mostly it's underlining passages so I can remember them. I abuse the Post-It flags though. They are all over the place in my books so I can find bits of information that I want to remember. Naturally I cannot remember why I wanted to remember it. I understand the people who think writing in books is bad, but then, I also think to each their own. 

And there we have the Reading Habits Tag. Feel free to do it yourself! There was a 12th question, but it was just to tag people. I don't tag people to do these. Do it if you want, or not. It's up to you!

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