Saturday, May 16, 2020

Currently Reading: 03 May to 16 May 2020

Currently Reading

- The Library of Legends by Janie Chang (74%)
- The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow (10%)
- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (03%)
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow (29%)
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas (47%)
-  IT by Stephen King (40%)
Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en (39%)
The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle (59%)

* * *

I was only a little late this time to remember to post! I'm getting better at this. I will get this down eventually and actually remember to post on Saturday one of these days!! Just...not this most recent Saturday apparently. 

I've been thinking about the NEWTs Magical Readathon in August and deciding which career I want to go for. I'm stuck between three that I really want. Journalist/Writer, Librarian, Trader of Magical Tomes. They each have a different number of NEWTs too...
Journalist/Writer (4)

* E in History of Magic

* A in Muggle Studies

* A in 1 Additional Subject of Your Choice

Librarian (7)

* O in Ancient Runes 

* E in Defense Against the Dark Arts
* E in History of Magic

Trader of Magical Tomes (5)
* E in Ancient Runes 

* A in Charms

* E in History of Magic

Clearly the one that I would have to read most for is Librarian. But if I read for that, and decide Charms is my bonus subject...I can actually do all three careers with just 8 books read in the month. I already set up my journal

That was something else. For the OWLs you needed to only read one book per subject. For the NEWTs? It's up to three, depending on your career choice. They are set up in A, E, and O.

A - Acceptable
E - Exceeds Expectations
O - Outstanding

Now to read the O-level book for Ancient Runes, I would have to have read the A and E levels. I'm kind of concerned because I want to read all the things, I mean I just got three new BOTM picks in, but I also want to wait because what if that was the perfect choice for a NEWT prompt? The example in my head when I was heading into work was, say I finish The Uninvited by Cat Winters, and I start The Library of Fates by Aditi Khorana. I finish it in June, then in July the Charms prompt is "A book with pink on/in the cover" or "A book featuring the word library/fate in the title". Well now I've already read The Library of Fates which fits all three of those prompts. I would have to hope I had something else.

Another thing that I don't like is that we cannot do multiple prompts in one book. That would make the readathon so much easier! Tell me it wouldn't be? I get that it's to challenge us like they would be the actual wizards in the Harry Potter series. I'm going to just read what I want and hope for the best!

Speaking of The Library of Fates by Aditi looks more interesting than I first thought. I bought it at random on BookOutlet because it involved the word "Library" (yeah, if your book has "library", "book", or "bookstore/shop" in it, I will very likely buy it). This was weeks ago. I just now read the synopsis on the inside flap and it looks brilliant. The Emperor of another nation is violent and cruel. He comes to the shores of another country and the princess tries to prevent him from taking over her land by marrying him. It doesn't work. In the chaos of this, Amrita runs off with Thala, an oracle and they go to find the Library of All Things. It makes mention of a romance. Is it between Amrita and Thala? Or are they going to just toss some random dude in there? Inquiring minds want to know! (This is why I never get any of my work done.)

I changed my mind about doing the Bookemon challenge, however there is the Axis Libri next month. I think I will just do that instead of this one. May I will devote to just reading whatever I feel like. It won't be as hectic that way. Every other month is best. That said, so far I've finished 2 books and I'm doing pretty well.

I'm enjoying my newly refinished library. We have two final things to do, which we'll likely be doing the day this blog post goes up (there will be pictures in the next post), so that's fun. I just need to get my vinyl faux wood flooring and my little coffee table from my sister. Well, I'm lying. We still need the [insert fancy term that dad used that I can't remember here] for the windows to finally get them all trimmed out.

Saw the June pick for BooksandTea and decided I would join in. The Storm Crow by Kalyn Josephson. It looks pretty good. I figure from now on, I would start reading Kindle books before I go to bed....when I'm conscious enough. That rarely happens, I passed out soon after getting into my pajamas last night after work.

With that, I will say good afternoon and leave off here. (Look at me go, remembering to post my reading update for the week on the proper day, and nearly the proper time!! Hopefully I will remember next week too!

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