Monday, May 4, 2020

Currently Reading: 19 April to 02 May 2020

Currently Reading
- The Uninvited by Cat Winters (23%)
Tao Te Ching by Lao-Tzu (02%)
- The Last Manchu by Henry Pu Yi (25%)
- Soul Mountain by Gao Xingchen (18%)
- Chinese Myths by Jake Jackson (37%)
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow (29%)
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas (47%)
A Reader's Book of Days by Tom Nissley (08%)
- Mo Dao Zu Shi v1 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (48%)
-  IT by Stephen King (40%)
Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en (39%)
The Original Illustrated Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle (59%)

* * *

I skipped the previous weeks. I was very wrapped up doing other things and hadn't actually had the time to read or update you on what I've read. However, now that things are beginning to slow down so I will have the chance to actually update you all on what is happening in my reading and writing world. 

As far as the OWLs readathon goes, as of 4/29 (10:15a), I've finished 12/12 of them. I am so proud of myself for managing to actually complete my OWLs readathon prompts. I still don't know what career I want to go for. I'm between Journalist/Writer, Librarian, and Trader of Magical Tomes. I think I'm leaning toward Trader...since one of my real life goals is to own my own bookstore. I will check the NEWTs that I need for them and probably just read for all and whichever I finish first will be my career. I don't know yet which career I actually want. 

I found a new tea that I like for reading. Bigelow's "I Love Lemon" it tastes just like lemon drop candies. It seems the most appropriate flavor for a Harry Potter themed reading challenge.

I've already lied. I found the Bookemon challenge that is all of May that I'm going to participate in. I'm seeing if I've managed to figure out the prompts correctly first. I choose my companion pokemon (which I will be picking based on the prompt guidelines) and then every book I read that fits one of the prompts earns me points. I can get points in OTHER teams, but only half. So yeah, this ought to be fun.

As far as the companion pokemon....I think I've finally made a decision. I want to try to read more on my Kindle, so I wanted something either fully or dual type with electric. I ended up listing all the available Gen1 pokemon that fit the Electric type and just using an RNG to decide. I ended up with: Pikachu. So now for every hour I read on my Kindle(s), I own two and then the app/cloud reader, I will earn 100CP for the group. I found a few books already via the app that are blue. So I will earn lots of points for us.

I've been thinking a bit about my TBR jar and what I intend to do with it. I've been considering putting the prompts that are out of it back in and just redrawing 6 prompts from the jar. Why 6? An even split between print and digital that I will be able to read. I know that it will be hard in May, August and November, but I think we can do it. In fact, yeah. We'll start it for May. I'm going to draw 6 prompts (listed below) and see if I can fit them to other things that will work for the Bookemon Readathon.

1) A book with a love triangle (TBA)
2) A book with antonyms in the title (Wicked Innocents by S.H. Livernois)
3) A classic romance (TBA)
4) A book from the bottom of your TBR (TBA)
5) A book by an author with your initials (Demontouched by Douglas Wayne)
6) A banned book (Catch-22 by Joseph Heller)

These....may present problems, but I think I will be able to overcome them. Perhaps I will try to get the initials one in my Kindle. I only own one book with my initials in print, but it would only generate half the normal points for me (it fits one of Candela's prompts of red book).

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