Saturday, October 1, 2022

Bookish Third Quarter Review

I have absolutely no idea whether or not I remembered to actually review the last quarter or not, in June, however, we may as well just go over what I've done in the last quarter (July/August/September) so that way I can see where I am and what I may need to work harder on in this final quarter of the year. 

1. Read 100 books - Okay, so this is already sort of a failure? Kind of. I changed the goal from 100 books, which I realized was just entirely unrealistic to only 50 books. Right now, October 01, I'm sitting at 42/50 books, so I think I'll be able to get to it. I believe next year I'll set my goal at either 50 or 75. Something more realistic to hit with my new hours at work and the other commitments I make to keep my social life active. 

2. Buy fewer books - I guess this is going okay? I don't recall buying super many books over the third quarter. One or two for Book of the Month, but then there were one or two splurges at Barnes & Noble or like the local library sale (what? $4/bag). I'll give this one a pass for the quarter as well. 

3. Use Kindle more - Fail. I read one book, then actually managed to lose the Kindle itself. I forgot about the app on my phone, as per usual, but then I didn't know where I put the physical Kindle Touch 4th gen that I own. Either of them. Though I found dad's in my desk. So this is failed for the quarter, but hopefully we can pick it up again in the final quarter. 

4. Do not force reviews - I'm not sure I even wrote a review in the past quarter? I was thinking of changing this one as well, but that's fine. I'll give this one a pass since I didn't really write reviews so that should count under not forcing them at all. 

5. Stick to TBR - This prompt has been going pretty well. I have not deviated too much from my planned TBRs at all in any month. This one is a pass. Even months where I have no real goals in mind, I don't venture far (I've also been picking a lot of very large books).

6. Keep track of Hauls, TBRs, and Wrap-ups - I think I only missed September, so this is a pass. I forgot to keep track of the books so I decided to simply skip that month. I'll be more diligent in October-December. This way we will be better at it and see if we can keep the goal going into 2023. 

7. Put away $5 for every book read - I have been doing this one. Granted, I may need to start physically removing the money from the bank and locking it away at the end of the month instead of putting it into like my Growth account. I had to raid the account a few times for expenses I either completely forgot about or didn't see coming. We will try more. 

8. Keep up with Bookstagram - I have not been doing this the way I intended to, but I will try to go back to it in the future. Starting in October I will work on posting an image and small review (if I have anything to say) for each book as soon as I've finished reading it. I'll try to remember to post my TBRs as well. (Speaking of -- mental note, post TBR to Instagram later), Wrap-Ups, and Hauls. 

9. Read The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan - I read an entirely different huge book. Instead of reading The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, I read An Echo of All that Falls by James Islington, which is actually like ~150 pages longer in the end over the entire month of like April? I forget exactly. Either way I read a completely different huge book. So....pass?

I'm giving myself a pass so far for the quarter. I did do most of what I had intended, just not in the manner expected. Some things are still a bit off, but we will work on it and hopefully be caught up and on the right track come January 2023!! See you then, lovelies~

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