Friday, July 12, 2024

Currently Reading #15 [1 - 6 July 2024]

Currently Reading

Camp Zero by Michelle Min Sterling [44%] 
Fall by Neal Stephenson [11%]
Who the Hell is Pansy O'Hara? by Jenny Bond & Chris Sheedy [37%]
Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta [73%]

Yearly Goal

Well that's a fun start to my literary week. Opened my email to find one from an author with a 'gift just for you' that had the link to a BookFunnel download. I do not remember applying for this, but it looks good and is just up my street as they say. I'm a hardcore fan of Fantasy, especially epic high fantasy, and this involves beings that are greater than gods and very Norse sounding names for people. Going to put it right up high on my TBR behind Lord of Eternal Night by Ben Alderson, which I do want to finish. Perhaps once I'm done with the computer work for the day, that's what I'll do, I'll read that. 

And now the other one has come through. Formatting is a bit fucked, but that's because it's a .pdf and not an .epub. It's cool. I'll figure it out. Today is a really good reading day anyway. Thunderstorms and whatnot. I got my Starlight candle from Mia Bella going (every time I even think it, the TS song gets running in my head). It smells amazing. Perhaps I'll make myself a cup of rose tea and settle in to read for the rest of the afternoon....

That book I got at random ended up deleted because it had two entirely different authors and two different series' orders so I just couldn't do it. I refused to even participate in something where there was no telling what was first or who wrote it. I'd rather eat sand, if we're being honest. It kind of gives me the ick when there is all kinds of chaos going on. Nope. Not doing it. 

I've placed the smallest order yet on BookOutlet! 5 books, $38 and change. I didn't look at the actual cents portion of it. I can more than afford it. Got at least one sequel and two-four books that I have had my eye on for a while. Especially A Fragile Enchantment which just looked absolutely amazing and I have been curious about it for quite some time. From what I gather, the main character can bind emotions into her stitching and she does this for people. The cover is also gorgeous and I needed to add it to my collection. That is all. 

I realized on the 4th of July, that I have FIFTY (50) unread Book of the Month selections. Like, nearly a book a week's worth. I can't believe I've let it get that bad. So, what I'm going to do is this: I set up a picker wheel with the names of all the unread books I have. I'm going to spin the wheel and pick one to read. Once I finish it, I will spin the wheel again until l get myself down...hopefully it doesn't take forever. 

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