Friday, July 12, 2024

Currently Reading #16 [7 - 27 July 2024]

Currently Reading

Fall by Neal Stephenson [15%]
- Libertie by Kaitlyn Greenidge [2%]
- In the Days Before by Renee Shantel [33%]
- Malediction's Embrace by Candace Morris [2%]
- For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway [1%]
- Powerless by Lauren Roberts [1%]
- A Journey of the Heart by Brenda Bennings [2%]

Yearly Goal

I am doing better for my reading goal. Only six books to get to halfway. I think I can manage that between July and August....I would only need to read ten books per month for the rest of the year to catch up on my goal. Actually, wait. Twelve. Twelve books per month. There's five months left and I have sixty remaining to hit my goal. At least three of them are going to be ARCs that I'm reading due in September and October. And of the non-ARC reads? Yeah most of those are 500+ page monstrosities with tiny typesetting. 

Got home from work the other day, to see this bubble mailer on the table. With my name on it. I have absolutely no idea what it is or where it came from. I look at the package and am like "Huh, interesting. Did I order something from Pango or Etsy and forget about it?" Nope. I open the package and find to my surprise, the book that I had been asked if I'd like to read in preparation for a next volume in the series to be released some time between the fourth quarter of 2024 and the first of 2025. I had forgotten all about it. 

Then the Threads/Instagram book club I'm in decided their first book for the club: 494-page Powerless by Lauren Roberts. Partly my own fault. Every single "hot" romance/romantasy/fantsy they were picking I had already read and I'm not a rereader. Until they got to Powerless, which I am curious about. So onto the Currently Reading it went. Now my list went from 3 books, to 7. I am thinking of moving Libertie back to Want to Read just to help take the number down. I'm undecided, though. Who would have thought that I'd be back up to my ungodly number of books being read again in the middle of the year?!

Found some new books to add to my Want to Buy/Wishlist. They look so interesting. Historical fantasy based on Indian mythology. It looks beautiful and well written and just fits right into my idea of what a proper fantasy should be (no hate to the ones that like it, but romance should be secondary at absolute best). I was not looking for any more reads, but hey, it is what it is!

I think that will be all for now. I'm gonna dive into this huge books that I'm supposed to be reading. Between the Book Club pick and the ARCs...I have a lot of reading to do!!

Happy reading! See you next time!

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