Saturday, January 7, 2023

January 2023 To Be Read

We're going to try something else new this year. Instead of adding my to-be-read to the Currently Reading posts, I'm going to give it it's own post. Let us commence then with what and why~


1. In a Book Club Far Away by Tif Marcelo - I don't so much want to start this book, as I want to actually finish it. Ended 2023 about halfway through, maybe a little less. It's pretty good for as much as I've read of it. I am relatively confident that I can get it done in January. 

2. Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo - The sequel to Ninth House, this is one that intrigued me when I saw it on BookTube and then found it on Book of the Month club. Pending it actually arrives in January when it ought to, as it is meant to ship between Monday the 9th and Wednesday the 11th. It looks good and I am very much excited to get to it. 

3. The Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski - The fifth book in the Witcher series, I'm definitely overdue to get around to it. I have greatly enjoyed the story so far, despite not being able to pronounce half the words in Elder Speech and now in honest Welsh. This would leave only one book left in the series. 


4. All the Dead Lie Down by Kyrie McCauley - One of the two ARCs I received from NetGalley. This one looks rather interesting. There isn't much else I have to say about it. 

5. Endpapers by Jennifer Savran Kelly - The other ARC that I got. This one seemed quite interesting. I'm not sure how I'm going to feel about it, but it certainly looked interesting. I haven't really come across any books featuring genderfluid main characters in the past, or rather any books with them period. I'm definitely looking forward to it. 


7. The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne - The first book from Chirp that I'm listening to. Acquired to actually listen to with a friend. I've seen it a few times on BookTube, and nearly purchased the physical edition a few times at the bookstore, so now I'm excited to actually get to it. 

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