Sunday, December 31, 2023

2024 Reading Resolutions

It's that time again where I post a list of resolutions for myself that I only mostly adhere to. I wish other lists were as easy to keep up with as this one is! With no further adieu, let's get into it!

1. Meet/exceed my reading goal for the year - This year I decided to keep it somewhat simple and set my goal for 72 books. Something I'm sure I can reach and I will feel great when I read over the goal. Anything more is almost beyond my capabilities as a reader at the current level I am at. 

2. Review all of the books I read - I had this same goal last year and I think I got nearly 100% completion on it. I realized I didn’t actually post my review for a few books, but I did write them...

3. Finish IT by Stephen King - I started this book in November 2023, and figure if I read at least 50 pages a day, I will finish it around the middle of January. I've been trying to read this book for years and I keep starting and stopping it, even though I am enjoying the story. Makes no sense that I haven't read it.

4. Stick to my book buying restriction - It's not so much a "ban" (I could never stick to one of those anyway) on book buying. I think a restriction is necessary. I have hardly any room in my house. I am only allowing myself to purchase one (1) new book for every three (3) books that I read (this will also give me the money for your average paperback). 

5. Stick to my TBR - I'm not actually very bad at this one any more. I go through and select books I am actually interested in reading. I want to build up my ability to follow through. We will be retaining the 3-2-1 method for TBRs. 3 Physical/2 Digital/1 Audio.

6. Keep track of Hauls, Unhauls, TBRs, and Wrap-Ups - More for myself than anything else. I like to keep track of what I've already done. Be it in the form if hand writing or keeping digital records elsewhere. 

7. Put away $5 for every book finished - This goal is to help me build and maintain my savings. Each time I finish a book, I will put $5 into my Growth account.

8. Read the Book of the Month Selection every month - The third Physical book of the month for every month will be that month's choice for Book of the Month. I've been slacking in my reading. I may even add more to the TBR until I've read all of my selections from the past.

9. Allow DNFs to happen - Sometimes you just don't like a book or connect to it. I will be giving myself until 15-20% of the book to decide if I want to continue it. 

10. Make use of PangoBooks to unhaul - Something new in 2024. I'm going to start using PangoBooks more to get rid of the books that I no longer want. Just because they are not for me, does not mean someone else will not want them. There are no nearby Free Little Libraries near me, and the local public is not [currently] accepting donations, so PangoBooks it is.

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