Friday, September 18, 2015

Goodreads Tag

I love doing these. Expect more in the future. I did update part of it because it was from last year's tag so the original question said 2014 reading challenge, instead of 2015. On with the tag!

1. What was the last book you marked as read?

The last book I marked as read was The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien because I'm re-reading the entire series.

2. What are you currently reading?

Currently? I'm reading Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, GREY by E.L. James, The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien, and Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. I can never read only one book at at a time.

3. What is the last book you marked as To-Be-Read?

That would have to be Fallen by Claire Delacroix. A friend gave me a copy of the second book in the series and I marked the first one as To-Be-Read so I could remember it.

4. What book are you planning on reading next?

Cujo by Stephen King. I have been meaning to read some King for a long while. My mom is a big fan of his and I figured if my sister (who is not really a big fan of reading) can read his books, I can, too!

5. Do you use the star rating system?

I do. I actually have those extra shelves that you can use, marked with 1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star, 4-Star, and 5-Star so I can keep better track of which books I liked and which books I didn't.

6. Are you doing a 2015 reading challenge?

Not any more I'm not. I did do the 2015 Challenge and met my goal almost 10 books ago. I read a lot more than I thought I was going to during the challenge this year. I normally read really slowly.

7. Do you have a Wish List?

If you mean on Amazon, then yes. I do. I keep a list exclusively for books:

8. What book do you plan on buying next?

Whichever one strikes my fancy at the given moment. I'm not one to plan buying books. I just let it happen as it happens. I mean, two weeks from now I don't know of a book I saw will still be interesting to me, so why get all worked up about buying it when I don't know if I'd like it any more?

9. What's your favorite quote?

Hmm...I don't think I actually have one from a book. At least, not one that I can remember right now. Yeah even the "Favorite Quotes" section of my reading journal is empty. I got nothing.

10. Who are your favorite authors?

J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Rick Riordan, Vaun Murphrey and Jane Austen. I love their books very much. Cliche, I know, for some of them, but not a lot of books strike me as favorites. I just read them and enjoy them and move on to the next.

11. Are you part of any groups on Goodreads?

Not that I know of. I might have joined one and forgotten about it? I do that a fair bit.

12. What could Goodreads do better?

Oh I don't know. Everything seems to be running fairly well from my standpoint. I don't know if I'd want anything to change at the present.

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