Thursday, September 17, 2015

How I Read Tag

Hello my lovelies! I think this might be one of the first (and probably still going to be rare) blog posts that have no book images in them whatsoever. Been watching a lot of tags recently and there was one that made me want to actually write my own blog version. I found it on Tiernan's BookTube channel ( I will answer each one of the questions as honestly as I can (to the best of my ability of remembering back that far)....

1. How do you find out about new books to read?

I usually find them by just browsing shelves in used bookstores, library sales, yard sales. I love looking through collections that are available at these sales. You never know what you're going to find. I sometimes find really good books by looking at the seasonal “must reads” table at my local Barnes & Noble. I also find a lot by watching book hauls on YouTube. If you know, 5-10 people all rave about a book, I'm going to want to check it out.

2. How did you get into reading?

I had no cable. Growing up in a small town with the inability to pay for cable television leads one to spend many many hours in their local library. I think there is a one time payment of $5 then its a quarter to replace your library card if you happen to lose it. Not that you really needed it to start with. You just have to know your number. My mother and paternal grandmother also read a lot. My dad didn't read much when I was younger, but now that e-readers are popular and common things, he reads a lot too. I think he might actually have more books than I do.

3. How has your taste in books changed as you've gotten older?

Hmm. This is a good question. I suppose my taste has stayed just about the same, with a few minor changes. I still absolutely love fantasy books and paranormal stuff. I've gotten more into contemporary and historical romance than I was before. I didn't like it before because I didn't understand it at all. My tastes certainly expanded in the genres I already liked, but I didn't add too much of new things.

4. How often do you buy books?

Not very often. I have a standard set up where I have to finish 5 books before I can buy 1 new (at least, new for me) book. So far for the year of 2015 I have only been allowed to buy 6. I bought about 30. I implemented my new plan in June I believe, so it isn't that bad. Usually I only buy books from a regular bookstore if I have the money and REALLY want it. Otherwise I will rarely pick up books at yardsales and such.

5. How did you get into book blogging?

(Confession, I changed this from BookTubing to book blogging, because I don't have a BookTube channel.) extremely shy. To be more specific, I have issues with speaking aloud when either I'm completely alone or when I'm in a crowd. It's weird, I know. I much prefer to use written words to communicate if I actually have to.

6. How do you react when you don't like the end of a book?

I don't really react all that badly I don't think? I just shrug it off and move on to the next book I want to read. It doesn't bother me that much. Unless I'm almost at the end and just really not happy with the book, in which case I will put it down and just not pick it up again.

7. How often have you taken a sneaky look at the back page of a book to see if it's a happy ending?

No. I haven't. I'm not that curious. I'm generally a slow-average reader, so I figure I'll get there when I get there. I don't usually have the curiosity that leads people to check that last page. I'm not likely to remember anyway so why bother?

8. How many people are you going to tag, and who are they? 

Everybody who wants to do this tag either via a blog or on YouTube!

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