Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Top 5 Wednesday: Books You Dislike But Love to Discuss

This was a weird and somewhat difficult topic for me. I don't really think about books I don't like after I've read them, if I've finished them at all. It's unusual for me? I'm typically the only one in my friend group that has even read the book in question. I had to put a lot of actual thought into it. 

Book #1: The Lesser Bohemians by Eimear McBride - The fact I remembered the title and author of this book at all was amazing. When I first attempted to read it a few months ago, it was just too weird and jumbled for my taste. What punctuation did exist was all over the place. It was like trying to read a somewhat toned down version of Ulysses by James Joyce. I'm tempted to give this book a second try however, because it's not nearly as difficult as Ulysses was. 

Book #2: This Too Shall Pass by Milena Busquets - I just didn't like it. It made no sense at all. It jumped around in time and was so weird. She was worried about something that I have forgotten and ended up sleeping with some woman's husband? I don't even remember. It's that bad/weird. It was just bizarre. I'll have to remember to look at it again some time and remember it.

Book #3: Fifty Shades of Gray by E.L. James - This book was just terrible. I hated the way she wrote it, I hated the way things were phrased. It was garbage. I tell everyone to read it at least once, that way they can learn exactly what not to look for in a book. It was that bad. Garbage of a book. 

Book #4: Best of Friends by Joseph Crowe - I mean, I love my friends. I do. I really really do. His book however was just not good at all. I didn't even feel bad about when I rated it only two out of five stars. The plot made no sense. I'm really sure that he just sort of was upset that there weren't very many LGBT+ stories out there or something so he took it upon himself to write up the most tropy one he could think of. It was mostly just in bad taste.

Book #5: My Darling, My Hamburger by Paul Zindel - It was silly and sort of just stopped. There was no resolution of anything. The entire book was a train wreck that kind of just stopped nearly in the middle of a thought. I don't understand most of the hype around it. It made no sense at all to me and I like telling my friends that it made no sense and seeing what they thought about it. 

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