Sunday, May 26, 2024

Currently Reading #11 [12 to 18 May 2024]

Currently Reading

- Blood at the Root by LaDarrion Williams [13%]
- The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones [41%]
- When The Stone Shepherds Awaken by Mark Barkley [02%]
- Mister Memory by Marcus Sedgwick [58%]

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Yearly Goal
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I have been thinking of lowering my restriction to 1:2 instead of 1:3. But that seems like I'm just trying to allow myself to buy books when I'm buried in titles. Some of which I will likely never read. Such as a 165 year old book of poetry (published in 1859). I don't know. For now I will keep the 1:3 ratio. 

I've started When the Stone Shepherds Awaken, and I must say it is pretty strange. It feels rushed. Which is insane for a 671-page book. A lot has already happened and I'm barely on page 13/671. I feel like I'm going to be in for a wild ride. Dude is already getting tattoos and dreaming of being a war hero. I'm foreseeing him being a traitor to his country by being blackmailed or sabotaged or something. Kid's gonna get set up and have to go on some epic journey to clear his name and defend his honor, likely against a people who actively want him dead. I did not read the synopsis, so I have no idea what I'm about to read. 

I think, because of how I structured other things, I'm not going to start transferring money for my books finished again until June. I currently owe myself...uh...$130? Something like that anyway. Yeah, which I don't know how I'll make back unless I deposit some instant lottery winnings or something. I'll figure that out later!

I've passed one quarter of my goal for the year so far...still 10-11 books behind on my goal. It is what it is. I will hit the 80s-90s. Better than a few years in the past. If I buckle down on the weekends, I could clear a book or two (up to three if I do readathons). 

I'm not counting my most recent purchase in the restriction. I ended up picking up an ebook edition of The 1619 Project because that book is just so hard to hold up. It's printed on this stupidly heavy paper which makes it difficult to manage. I will keep my hard copy as a trophy, but man is it just dense. Maybe I'll be able to make it through the book faster if I use the Kindle edition? 

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