Monday, May 27, 2024

Currently Reading #12 [19 May to 01 June 2024]

Currently Reading

The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones [54%]
- Orphia & Eurydicius by Elyse John [00%]

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Yearly Goal
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I have finished just one book, but two books. Putting me at twelve books behind my goal. I am looking at not completing the goal in 2024...if I keep reading at the pace I am, it will put me at 63 books total for the year. I've never read that low before. I really need to work on my goals!! 

I've been working my way through Blood at the Root by LaDarrion Williams, but, I must admit, I'm barely getting anything from it. Except a new drive to just learn about Hoodoo and Vodun. As a white woman from the northern states, I don't really understand the slang they are using as Black people in the south. It's a lot of words and phrases that we just don't use here. I'm not going to give up, though. Even if I sometimes have no idea what they're saying, I'm still going to try to read it. 

I am also officially giving up on the bans and restrictions. We all know I cannot control myself if I have the money and I am in the store. I went in over the weekend and was like "I can get myself one new book...." and walked out with seven. I am untrustworthy in a Barnes with a card of any nature. However, this time around, all but one of them were on my Wish List that I have been keeping. I'm trying to corral myself a little more in that respect. Let's not just buy books for no reason at all. The only one that wasn't, was a book I saw on the Retellings table that just caught my eye. 

While I haven't ever actually read the myth of Orpheus, I am familiar enough with it to know what is happening in Orphia and Eurydicius by Elyse John. I know enough to get me through. It looked brilliant and I'm excited to get to it. There are a lot on the list now ahead of it, but hey, it is what it is. The first one definitely up on the list is going to have to be Sunbringer because I only recently finished Godkiller and I have to know what happens next.

I have decided that I'm going to do only one more actual To-Be-Read in 2024. I want to try an experiment and see how it goes. I am, to my knowledge, caught halfway between a mood reader and a list-maker. I like the idea of giving myself a small list of books and then allowing the freedom to mood read beyond that. Staring in July I'm going to just mood read. We will see how far I can get and what I can accomplish when left to just pick up whatever strikes my fancy!

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