Saturday, March 4, 2023

Currently Reading: 01 to 04 March 2023

Currently Reading

- The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty (01%)
- Small Favors by Erin A. Craig (02%) 
- The First Binding by R.R. Virdi (02%)
- Suspicious Minds by Gwenda Bond (08%)
- The Storm Singers by Michael Boccardi (07%)
- Magpie Training by Irene Glasse (62%)

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Reading Goal

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Ended up changing my goal for the year. Instead of 75 books, I'm just going to make it an even 100. I never actually care whether or not I reach the goal, so why not go for broke? I used to set my goal for 100 books every year. Not that I'm in any way close to that goal. I think I'm behind by like, 5 or 6 books. It is what it is. The goal is never to surpass. It's only to see how close I can get. 

So I went on a small binge at the end of February. You'll  notice I've skipped over pretty much the entire month. It was mostly just me acquiring books and then reading them. I happened to catch, via Peruse Project on BookTube, that one of the people I knew from an old indie publisher that has since gone under had a new book out. Naturally I had to run to the bookstore to see if they had it. I checked my local's online catalog. They did not have any in stock, but I could order it for delivery. I had a weird time with their delivery service over a book I'd pre-ordered...however, the slightly further away Books-a-Million had it in stock. I bout cried when I got my hands on it. 

When I first looked up The First Binding by R.R. Virdi, do you think I had any idea it was an 830-page behemoth? Of course not. Did I care in any way, shape, or form? Also no. The book mark I use for it is even the one that he sent to me, signed in gold sharpie (which I put tape over to preserve forever). Even though I generally dislike and don't use the ones without the tassels on them. In fact, once I finish here, I'm going to jump right into reading this!

I'm sure you've also noticed that February isn't even here. We skipped from the middle of January to the beginning of March. No February. I realized that too much probably has happened since my last entry for me to actually remember, so I've just gone and skipped. Why try to force my memory when I know there will be nothing there? I will go back over my reading journal entries and see what I can come up with for the blog though, that I will add here. 

I managed to read 7 books in February. Impressive, I know. For me that's a lot. Usually I can only get through like 3-4 at the most. In January, it was 6. In February, it was 7. So far in March, I've finished 1. Overall, not bad for someone who doesn't have as much time as they'd like to read. Or doesn't read as much as they probably could be. Like, I could have read something last night after work, I got out at 16:00, but I was just so tired I could hardly focus. 

Oh yes, I ordered and received an absolutely ridiculous number of books in late January/early February. I do not remember what January's total ended up being, but February's was 25. There were three separate instances in the one order where I hit the "+" apparently and ordered two copies of the same book. One was a sequel, which I've put up in my PangoBooks page, and the other two were firsts in their series that I'm sending to a friend of mine. Hopefully she likes them. I'm still laughing at the fact I didn't check.

Ah, yes, I bought myself a new Kindle. The Paperwhite 2022 Signature Edition. And boy do I love it. I've ready 3 books already? Possibly more, and I've only just gotten it in the beginning of February. My favorite part of it isn't even that it's got close to five times the amount of storage space. My favorite thing about it is the adjustable light and warmth. I can make it perfect for my eyes while reading. It's possibly my new favorite toy I've purchased for myself. 

I think, considering that was a lot for the first four days of the month, I will stop for now. Perhaps I will actually remember to stick to the goal for the month and remember to upload next weekend!! Until then, have a good week, my pretties!

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