Friday, March 22, 2024

March 2024 Book Haul

I have acquired 7 books this month through various means, be it Amazon, BN, Pango, FLFs or whatever other thing I may have done. 

1: A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen - I saw this one on the list and I knew I had to have it. It looked absolutely beautiful and while it doesn't have the metallic sky blue sprayed edges like the BN edition has (easily fixable, I know how to do that myself), I am still so looking forward to reading this. It's about a shield maiden who ends up having to fight for her life to keep herself and her land safe. Sounds good!

2: Kokoro by Natsume Sōseki - I have no clue what this is about other than its translated Japanese fiction that has been praised as one of the better novels of its time and it cost me an incredible...fifty cents. That's literally all I know and I'm fine with that. I don't want to know more. I can tell you that from my limited knowledge of Japanese, "kokoro" means "heart"....? 

3: Godkiller by Hannah Kaner - I saw it while we were at Target picking up stuff for dinner and couldn't pass it up. I know very little about this. Gods are outlawed and people kill them as a profession? I think. Someone is tasked with killing a god and kind of can't because that would mean killing the human attached to the god. So they go to the gods for help? I have no idea. I'm gonna buddy read it with my friend and we'll see what I think about it. 

4: Stone Blind by Natalie Hayes - A Medusa retelling. I love reading the stories of Medusa. I believe this one follows her after she is cursed/blessed by Athena and is struggling. She ends up meeting someone who cannot see her? I don't actually remember.

5: Letters to Half Moon Street by Sarah Wallace - I don't know anything else other than it's a historical queer romance between two men. That's all I wanna know. I'm down for the surprise of it all. It has a stunning cover and was cheap/free. Why not give it a try and see if I like it?

6: The Myth of June by A.B. Daniels-Annachi - I received an eARC of this from the author in return for a fair and honest review. I have no memory of joining the ARC team, but that's not a current me problem. You can see my review here

7: Don't Let the Forest In by C.G. Drews - I don't even remember what this is about. It's a YA Horror novel about a forest and that's literally all I know. I will likely not be getting to it until October. It's a spooky book, and I'm gonna save it. 

8: Beloved by Toni Morrison - Found it at the FLF in my local chuch. I've been into tales relating to the struggles of slavery recently and when I saw this in perfect condition, I had to get it. It looks good and I have never read anything by this author. I am greatly looking forward to it. 

9: Heart of Flames by Nikki Pau Preto - I bought this one after finishing the first book (Crown of Feathers). I adored the first book, and I found this one (and the finale, Wings of Shadow) available for $5 each from PangoBooks which means naturally I have to buy them. Somewhere in the synopsis or possibly tags, I saw the phrase LGBT+ and while I have half an idea, I want to know. I love it and I cannot wait to get into it. 

10: Wings of Shadow by Nikki Pau Preto - It is the final volume and it was on PangoBooks for only $5. Naturally I was not about to pass it up. Who would? Turns out it's also a first edition (as is Heart of Flames) which makes me even happier. This is the conclusion to Veronyka's story and I am very much looking forward to reading it. I cannot wait.

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