Friday, July 1, 2022

July 2022 To-Be-Read

So to keep up with the new ideas that we have been following, I have my new July 2022 To-Be-Read list. Let's see how many of these I can actually get through before the end of the month!!


1. The Light of All that Falls by James Islington - The third and final volume (also the largest by far) in the Licanius Trilogy. I am quite looking forward to this. With how the second volume ended, I am definitely putting this one a little higher up on the reading list than the other books becuase I absolutely need to know. I am wondering exactly what the plan is and how the one thing I know of that had to happen is going to take up 816 pages. 

2. The Tower of Swallows by Andrzej Sapkowski - I was supposed to read this last month and never got that far. The fourth book in the Witcher series, this follows more of the journey between Cirilla and Geralt and how they fare against their enemies. I can't exactly go into detail since this is the fourth book and you need to have read the first three to understand, regardless of the show (which does change a few things...). I am interested in learning about how Geralt deals once again with the rogue bard Dandelion following him and/or just turning up wherever he happens to be. 

3. The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah - This was my June 2022 Book of the Month pick and it looks amazing. Did I realize it was Orbit at the time? No. Am I even more intrigued, knowing the kind of books they publish (of which I have read a few)? Yes. Definitely yes. The synopsis of this book gives me very strong 1,001 Nights vibes, especially Aladdin and the Forty Thieves. I cannot wait to find out more. 


4. The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton - Another book I was supposed to have read in May and June. (or was it April and June....maybe all three?) Following the new tradition, since I started it and did not finish it before the end of the month, it's being transferred over to the July TBR. Hopefully I can actually get through it this month!!

5. Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson - It looked interesting and I needed a murder or murder/mystery book for last month, which I never got to. Hoping to read it this month. I need a good spook now and then. From what I gather, someone is recreating murders from famous books and people suspect a bookseller who had previously compiled a list of the most unsolvable murders from those popular books. It looked really good and I am very much curious to see if it was him or someone else looking to frame him. 


6. A Hero Born by Jin Yong - I've read this book in the past, having been on the hunt for translated works and stumbling across this on BookOutlet. I've since gotten the other three books in the series and want to re-read it before diving in because frankly, it's just been too long since I've read it. Literally all I can remember is that involves someone who is raised thinking they are Mongol and they are actually Han Chinese? My memory of four-ish years ago is a bit hazy. In any event, I'm looking forward to listening to this one and refreshing my memory before jumping into the next one. Who knows, maybe I'll find the others on audio and make it a series. 


* Alcestis by Euripides - It's a short series of plays by the famous Greek playwright. I've been learning about Greek culture and history lately and figured what better source (albeit mangled) than the original works? Who would better tell me how the ancient Greeks perceived their gods and their religion than said ancient Greeks?

* Witch 13 by Patrick Delaney - I have no idea. It showed up in my BookBub freebies, and it looked interesting. Discovered it was free with Kindle Unlimited (which I now have for my sister). Thought I'd give it a go. If I don't finish it before the end of the month, that's okay. I'm not particularly worried about it. I liked the little rhyme at the front and know almost nothing else about it beyond that.

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