Saturday, July 30, 2022

August 2022 To-Be-Read Orilium Academy Autumnal Equinox Semester

This one has a bit going with it, so bear with me. This month is the Orilium Academy Autumnal Equinox Semester (hosted by G at Book Roast) and as I have two characters "attending" the Orilium Academy, I will need to fill in the various prompts for the readathon. 

Each character has their career path now and these classes in August will determine whether or not they can continue on said path to take on said career. I have two: Aurin Beileth the Godseer and Irwyn Gaerotan the Spellsword. They each need to reach certain levels within their courses in order to pass. These levels are: O - Ordinary, Q - Qualified, and D - Distinguished. In order to read the Distinguished level book, you have to have already read the Ordinary and Qualified level books first, thus the to-be-read list, with that in mind, is as such: 

Aurin Beileth - Godseer

Conjuration - Qualified
- O: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (Read a book with Necromancy themes)
- Q: The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco (Read a book with a bone on the cover or in the title)

Inscription - Ordinary
- O: The Capture by Kathryn Lasky (Read a childhood favorite)

Demonology - Ordinary 
- O: Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller (Read a fantasy) 

Lore - Distinguished 
- O: The Foreseeable Future by Emily Adrian (Read a book featuring the color(s) of your country's flag)
- Q: The Merciless by Danielle Vega (Read a story featuring a betrayal)
- D: Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton (Read a book featuring a desert setting)

Restoration - Qualified 
- O: Survive the Night by Danielle Vega (Read a book with a single object as the focus on the cover)
- Q: Descendant of the Crane by Elizabeth Lim (Read a book that's among the oldest on your TBR)

Irwyn Gaerotan - Spellsword

Animal Studies - Qualified 
- O: The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman (Read a book featuring familiars or animal companions)
- Q: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater (Read a book with a raven on the cover or in the title)

Demonology - Ordinary 
- O: The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan (Read a fantasy) 

Spells and Incantations - Ordinary
- O: Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman (Spin a color wheel and read a book with that color cover [I got Navy Blue]) 

Restoration - Qualified
- O: Eve by Wm. Paul Young (Read a book with a single object as the focus on the cover)
- Q: Daughters of Ruin by K.D. Castner (Read a book that's among the oldest on your TBR) 

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